1. Unique 16-digit Unicode to identify landholdings announced by UP Government

Unique 16-digit Unicode to identify landholdings announced by UP Government

Unique 16-digit Unicode to mark all kinds of landholdings in the state introduced by the UP Government put an end to fake registries of the disputed land and saved people from falling into the trap of fraudsters.

2. International Children’s Film festival concludes in Bangladesh

international Children's Film festival came to an end in Dhaka

The 14th edition of the International Children’s Film festival came to an end in Dhaka.

Dutch Film Jackie and Oopjen were awarded the Best International Feature Film Award. Bangladeshi film Maati got The Young Talent Award while Lottery won the Special mention under the Young Talent Award.

3. India’s first geothermal field development project in Ladakh established by ONGC.

India’s first geothermal field development project in Ladakh established by ONGC

At Puga village of eastern Ladakh state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) implemented the first geothermal power project in india.
The whole project is commissioned to 2022.

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