Terrorism and organized crime are both malicious organisms drawing sustenance from the same swamp.” Discuss the above statement in the context of India.

DWQA QuestionsTerrorism and organized crime are both malicious organisms drawing sustenance from the same swamp.” Discuss the above statement in the context of India.
akash deep Staff asked 2 years ago

Terrorism and organized crime are both malicious organisms drawing sustenance from the same swamp.” Discuss the above statement in the context of India.


Discuss how terrorism and organized crime are having a symbiotic relation?

Give your suggestions to counter the symbiotic threat posed by their linkage.

Talk about India’s experience in this regard and what recent initiatives the government has taken.

Add what more could be done?

1 Answers
akash deep Staff answered 2 years ago

Terrorism and organized crime can potentially have a very close linkage. International case studies and the experience of India point towards this nexus.

If we look into some of the regions affected by terrorism this linkage becomes apparent. In the case of the northeast region, extortion, kidnapping, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and gun running, etc are the criminal activities used as the basis for funding all forms of terrorism. In the Jammu and Kashmir regions, counterfeit currency has been used as a source of funding.

Insurgent groups which began their journey as an ideological movement, over a period of time have moved into crime syndicates and are now merely means of generating profit. Better legal infrastructure, Information sharing, and enhanced inter-agencies capabilities are key areas to work upon to defeat terrorism and organized crimes or their linkages. Government should run deradicalization policies so as to develop trust among youths who lost their tracks.

The protectors, special supporters, or over-ground workers (OGW) related to terrorist organizations should be cracked down.

Organized crime is operating across borders and has become transnational. For example, terrorist organizations like the D-company, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish e Mohammed, etc. are operating across many countries.

Countries that are safe havens for terrorists and encourage terrorism from territories under their control, should be held accountable and sanctioned accordingly. Recommendation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in strengthening the capabilities of the governance structure of financial and economic assets.

Countries should remain more vigilant in identifying new trends and practices by terrorist organizations in view of the new technologies such as encrypted currencies, drone technology, cloning, artificial intelligence, etc.