The Pala period is the most significant phase in the history of Buddhism in India. Enumerate.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: QuestionsThe Pala period is the most significant phase in the history of Buddhism in India. Enumerate.
ajay pal asked 1 year ago

The Pala period is the most significant phase in the history of Buddhism in India. Enumerate.


Give an introduction with respect to the support of the Pala empire for Buddhism.

Give examples of the development of Buddhism during the concerned period.

Mention significant contributions of Pala rulers to the Buddhism period in India.

3 Answers
ajay pal answered 1 year ago

Pala empire existed in Bengal and Bihar region from 8th to 12th CE. The Pala kings were patrons of Mahayana Buddhism. They were great supporters and admirers of Buddhism.

Enumeration is as follows:

They made monasteries (viharas) and temples in eastern India to promote Buddhism. Pala king Dharmapala made the Buddhist philosopher Haribhadra his spiritual guru. He established the Vikramshila monastery and the Somapura Mahavira. King Mahipala I also ordered construction and repairs of several sacred Buddhist structures at Sarnath, Nalanda, and Bodhgaya.

The Palas established the Vikramshila and the Nalanda Universities. These were important centers to learn Buddhism. Noted Buddhist scholars from the Pala period include Atisha, Tilopa, Vimalamitra, Mukimatra, Dansheel, Jinamitra. Manjugosh, Mukimitra, Silabhadra, Vivachan, Suresvara and Chakrapani. King Devpala gave land at Nalanda to the Java King to build a Buddhist monastery.

The Buddhist poet of Devapala. The Buddhist poet Vajradatta was the court poet of Devapala. The Buddhist scholars from the Pala empire traveled from Bengal to the other regions to propagate Buddhism. Many Buddhist Tantric works were authored and translated during the Pala rule.

The Nalanda bronzes reflect the metal sculpture of the Pala Period.

Thus, it can be seen that during the Pala period there was a major development of Buddhism.

Skiaiwjwqu answered 1 year ago


Skiaiwjwqu answered 1 year ago
