Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes, 08 to 13 April 2024


Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes, 08 to 13 April 2024

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Q1. Consider the following statements regarding the India Employment Report 2024:

  1. According to this report, a total of 83% of youth in India are unemployed.
  2. The Human Development Institute was established in the year 1998 by the Indian Society of Labor Economics.
  3. This report is jointly published by the International Labor Organization and the Institute of Human Development.
  4. There is a slow and steady transition of the workforce from agricultural to non-agricultural sectors in the Indian labour market.

How many of the statements above are correct?

2 / 10

Q2. Consider the following statements regarding the Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement(TEPA), which was signed between India and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA):

  1. In accordance with the agreement, India retains the right to revoke tariff concessions if the EFTA nations fail to meet investment objectives.
  2. According to the agreement, tariff concessions also apply to gold imports from European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries into India.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

3 / 10

Q3. Consider the following statements regarding the Governor in India:

  1. According to the Punchhi Commission, the Governor should be appointed by the President after consultation with the Chief Minister of the concerned state.
  2. According to the Sarkaria Commission, the process of appointment of governors in India should be entrusted to a committee, which should include the Prime Minister, Home Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chief Minister of the concerned state.
  3. In India, the Governor is appointed by the President on the advice of the Central Government.
  4. In India, the Governor can send back to the State Legislature a Money Bill as well as any Bill or any Bill with a message requesting reconsideration of certain provisions of that Bill.

How many of the statements above are correct?

4 / 10

Q4. Consider the following statements:

  1. The Holocene era is marked by a relatively consistent climate, facilitating the advancement of human societies.
  2. In contrast to the Holocene period, the Anthropocene era is defined by notable human influence on the environment.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

5 / 10

Q5. Consider the following statements regarding the United Nations Security Council.

  1. The headquarters of the United Nations Security Council is located in Washington, D.C. city in the United States of America.
  2. The Security Council has five permanent members – the United States, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom (UK) – collectively known as the P5.
  3. It was formed in the year 1943 during the Second World War.
  4. The permanent member countries of the Security Council have the power of veto, while the non-permanent member countries do not have the power of veto.

How many of the statements above are correct?

6 / 10

Q6. Consider the following statements:

  1. Nations possess exclusive rights in order to utilise resources within a 200-nautical-mile zone from their shores, including the seabed beneath.
  2. At present, no nation has engaged in commercial extraction of resources from the vast expanses of the open oceans.
  3. The International Seabed Authority (ISBA) is tasked with ensuring compliance with national laws concerning seabed mining within the territorial waters of each country.

How many of the statements above are correct?

7 / 10

Q7. Consider the following statements:

  1. The Minimum Support Price (MSP) denotes the lowest price farmers can lawfully sell their produce.
  2. Annually, the MSP is declared for 23 crops, encompassing both the kharif and rabi seasons.
  3. Merely 6% of farmers, predominantly those growing paddy and wheat in states like Punjab, receive advantages from the MSP.

How many of the statements above are correct?

8 / 10

Q8. Consider the following statements:

  1. Ballistic Missiles travel at low altitudes and maintain a relatively even and horizontal flight path.
  2. Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs) technology aids in evading defences against ballistic missiles.
  3. The Agni-5 stands as India's longest-range missile tested to date.

How many of the statements above are correct?

9 / 10

Q9. Which of the following options most accurately characterises the main objective of the 'Tiger Triumph exercise'?

10 / 10

Q10. Consider the following statements with reference to the critical minerals:

  1. These resources are indispensable in the production of advanced technological items such as smartphones and electric vehicles.
  2. Iron ore holds significance as one of the vital minerals.
  3. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) concentrates on recognizing and tackling concerns associated with crucial minerals.

How many of the statements above are correct?