DEEN DAYAL ANTYODAYA YOJANA National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)

DEEN DAYAL ANTYODAYA YOJANA National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)


SOURCE: The Hindu, Pib)


  • DAY-NRLM aims at mobilizing rural poor households into Self Help Groups in a phased manner and provide them long-term support to diversify their livelihoods, improve their incomes, empower them and improve their quality of life and betterment of society. 

  • Most of Mission’s interventions are being implemented and scaled up by the Self Help Groups of women themselves who are trained as community resource persons (CRPs) such as Krishi Sakhis, Pashu Sakhis, Bank Sakhis, Bima Sakhis, Banking Correspondent Sakhis, etc. 

  • The Mission is also working on empowering and developing the SHG women through awareness generation and behavior change, developing communication on issues such as domestic violence, women’s education, and other gender-related concerns, nutrition, sanitation, health, hygiene, etc.

 Poverty reduction Programme in India


  • According to the erstwhile Planning Commission which used the Tendulkar expert group methodology:-

  • Says that the overall poverty ratio came down from 45.3% in 1993­-94 to 37.2% in 2004-­05.

  • This poverty further came down to 21.9% in 2011­-12. 

  • The goodness about the data is that there is a per year reduction in percentage points in poverty ratio between 2004­05 and 2011­12 was 2.18.

  • The schemes such as Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and the Extended Food Security Scheme paid a high dividend.

Types of poverty:- 

  • Absolute Poverty: A condition where house hold or a person’s income is below a necessary level to maintain basic living standards. Because it is absolute it is possible to compare between different countries and also over time.

    • It was first introduced in 1990. According to the World Bank if a person doesn’t earn $1.90 a day on purchasing power parity basis then he is poor.

  • Relative Poverty: It is defined from the social perspective which compares living standards to the economic standards of the population living in surroundings. It is one of the measures of income inequality.

  • Generally, relative poverty is measured as the percentage of the population with income less than some fixed proportion of median income. It measures the headcounts ratio.

The measure of poverty estimation in India:-

  • The first-ever Poverty estimation was done by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1901 which was published in his book “Poverty and Un-British Rule in India”

  • The National Planning Committee of 1936 has estimated poverty in India during the Colonial rule. It calculated poverty linking nutrition, clothing, and housing

  • The Planning Commission constituted a working group for the first time in 1962 to estimate poverty nationally. This group was given a task about separate poverty lines for rural and urban areas. It has made Rs 20 and Rs 25 per capita per year respectively for rural and urban areas.

Why and how we have reached this point:-

  • Growth requires more than reforms and these Reforms are the only necessary condition in the words of economists. 

    • It is not at all-sufficient. 

  • In a developing economy, growth is driven by investment.

  • And in the Indian economy investment has declined at a rate of nearly five percentage points since 2010-­11.

  • Reforms normally create a natural climate for investment which is a necessary condition for growth.

  • But ‘animal spirits’ i.e. market, are also influenced by non­economic factors such as social cohesion.

  • Reforms must be supplemented by a careful investment climate which will spur growth again.

Download Plutus IAS Daily Current Affairs of 17th August 2021

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