07 May In Ireland’s complex troubles, lessons for India (The Hindu, GS-2, Governance)
Context:- The communal clashes of April in Northern Ireland caught the media attention of many countries, but not in India. The clash was between Protestant and catholic Christian.
- complex mix of change
- resistance to change
- Ingrained political and social inertia.
- lack of social and economic opportunities
- poverty
Same things can be projected for india. In india too poverty is the bigger enemy, a traditional society, a unprofessional outlook.
How we can curb the issue:-
- Employment must be the focus
- A forward outlook of society.
- needs leadership that takes responsibility for peoples’ social and economic problems
- needs to be aware that creating religious tensions between communities
- addressing communal issues with vigilance, tolerance and compromise
Download Daily Current Affairs of 07th May 2021
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