Secularism : Necessity for the survival of India as a nation 

Secularism : Necessity for the survival of India as a nation 

Secularism : Necessity for the survival of India as a nation – Today Current affairs

Context : India is a country of diversified cultures. Pluralism is the fundamental characteristic of India as a Nation . This pluralism is essential for the democratic nature of the Indian State . Only Secularism is an element through which this diversified country would be strengthened as a nation . Secularism for the culturally  diversified state is the state has no religion and does not promote any religion

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Introduction : 

  • Recently, some activities of the fundamentalist in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan etc are gradually destroying the socio-cultural unity of India . All those fundamental religious activities are sponsored by political parties (in Maharashtra MNS , In karnataka, ABVP). In fact the polarisation of the votes of the majorities in recent elections encouraged the political parties to use this formula for their political success. But this formula of political success would not only hamper the socio religious unity of India but also it would destroy the democratic element which may be further responsible for communal conflicts in India and further disintegration of India as a nation .
  •  In this situation , it is the responsibility of our honorable court to check this type of situation constitutionally and thus the responsibility of the civil society and intellectuals and the real patriot and nationalist person not to promote such a type of element could hamper the unity and integrity of India . 


 Political dimensions of some issue/rows in various part of India : The Hindu Analysis

  • The issue of the Hijab is the political and the constitutional issue but the timing of its emergence definitely reflects its political nature. Nowadays the issue of the loudspeaker of mosques in Maharashtra is being tried to evolve. In some parts of North India including Delhi the issue of shops of non vegetarian food during Navratri is also being provoked . 
  • Is surprising that Muslim have been residing in India with Hindus for long time and they are practising their religion . What happened suddenly that these type of issue have been evolved 
  • In Fact these rows are not in fact religious rows, these are just political rows. In Maharashtra , supporters of a political party are insisting to recite Hanuman Chalisa from loudspeakers . In fact they do not know the meaning of Hanuman Chalisa . 
  • The first two lines of Chalisa insist on avoiding Kalesh (Conflict), Vikar (hate and evils). This is surprising things that these people are using religion as tool for political benefits without caring about the unity and integrity of India and most surprising thing is that they claim themselves as the nationalist and patriot without knowing the meaning of nation 


Secularism and tolerance has been the fundamental elements of Indian culture : The Hindu Analysis


  • In fact, India does have such a past where people from other parts of the world were welcomed with open arms and allowed to live here in peace and amity for millennia. 
  • During the 6th century BC , more than 63 types of the religious belief system came to existence and almost all were criticising Brahmanism but we do not see any single evidence of the religious conflict . In Brahman text, the term Acharya is used for the founders of the anti Brahmanical belief system . 
  • Our ancient states had also followed the policy of religious tolerance. Dhamma was a secular element through which Asoka tried to integrate India.  And even during the period of Gupta and Later Gupta kings , up to a certain extent all the religious people were free to practice their religion . 
  • However in Muslim period, this communal harmony remained unchanged (If we ignore some religious conversion and the demolishing of the temples because of the political benefits ). Tulsidas , Surdas, Kabirdas, Mirabai,type Bhakti saints propagated their principle. During 15th  century , Kabir openly criticised Muslims and Hindus together . Tulsidas did not show his even small grief or sorrow in his writings regarding demolition of the Hindu temples . 
  • Communalism was the element invented by the British for the political benefits and present days our politicians are using these religious issues for political gains . Religions must be separated from politics . 

Constitutional provision for separation of religion from the state : The Hindu Analysis

  • There are many provisions described in fundamental rights that State would not promote any religious activities (Article 27 and 28) . The essence of India’s secularism is that the state has no religion.
  • Article 27 says that no tax can be levied for promoting any particular religion. In other words, no public revenue is permitted to be spent in favour of any particular religion. Article 28 says that no religious instruction shall be given in any educational institutions wholly maintained out of state funds.
  • The same Article says that no educational institution recognised or aided by the state shall compel any person to attend religious classes or worship therein. Article 25(2)(a) empowers the state to regulate secular activities associated with religious practice. 
  • Article 15 prohibits any kind of discrimination on the ground of religion. Above all, freedom of religion is made subject to other fundamental rights, apart from the reasonable restrictions on the grounds of public order, morality and health. Thus, the freedom of religion under the Constitution does not enjoy the same status as other secular rights such as equality before law, non-discrimination, right to life and liberty, etc.
  • Therefore it is almost clear that , state itself tried to separate from any religious activity

Religiosity in Public life without knowing the crux of religion : The Hindu Analysis

  • There is too much religiosity in public life in India.. Our religion has been the essence of ‘sarva dharma sambhav’ . But Gradually this state is tending towards majoritarianism because of the political benefits . In such a situation , the discontent can be evolved among minorities . In modern days we see the term Sambhav has been almost finished. The people who are not following any religious practice, nowadays have been declared as the protector of the religion. If the state would behave like a theocratic state it would ensure the disintegration of the country.
  • The reasons are not far to seek. India is a multicultural country where Hindus are in majority . To promote Hinduism by the state would create a sense of insecurity among the minorities . The insecurity would be converted into accumulated discontent which would be dangerous for the integrity of India . To maintain unity and integrity of India the interest of minorities must be protected . At any point of the time they should not feel any sense of discrimination and insecurity by the state. 

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  • Therefore it can be concluded that India is in a very dangerous situation where the political parties of India , for their political benefits are taking the help of the religion. And the inevitable fact is that India , as a nation can nerve survive without the secularism where state should not promote any religion and this is not only the duty of the court, being guardian of the constitution, this is the duty of the intellectuals , social workers , and other civil societies to maintain unity and integrity of India. No political party should be supported if it promoted any particular religion or It wants to make India as a theocratic state
  • Our Constitution makers had understood  the significance of secularism. This is the duty of every intellectuals that they should realise that if secularism is jettisoned, the hard-won national unity will be in peril. It is the patriotic duty of every citizen to strengthen secularism and thus save the republic.

In this article we mention all information about Secularism : Necessity for the survival of India as a nation – Today Current affairs.


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