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Weekly Current Affairs Quiz: 05/09/2022 to 10/09/2022
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Q1. Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to PESA Act 1996? 1. Only 7 out of 10 states have notified Rules to implement the PESA Act. 2. It expands the Panchayats to the Fifth and Sixth Schedule Areas. 3. It guarantees self-governance for those residing in Scheduled Areas through Gram Sabhas (village assemblies). 4. It provides for the ownership and management of natural resources like water, forest, and common lands. Select the correct answer using the code given below:
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Q2. Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022 has been introduced in the parliament recently. Consider the following provisions with respect to the bill. 1. It allows multiple Discoms in the same area to boost the competition among power distributors. 2. There will be “mandatory” fixing of minimum as well as maximum tariff ceilings by the “appropriate commission”. 3. The union government will set up Cross-subsidy Balancing Fund, in which the commercial consumers will subsidize the residents or farmers. 4. Union government will specify renewable purchase obligations (RPO) for discoms. Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
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Q3. Recently a term “Techno-Nationalism” has been in news. What do you understand by the term? 1. Techno-nationalism is a way of understanding how technology affects the society and culture of a nation. 2. It is aimed to use technology to advance nationalist agendas, with the goal of promoting connectedness and a stronger national identity. Select the correct answer using the code given below:
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Q5. 2022 marks 80 years of the Quit India Movement or Bharat Chhodo Aandolan. Which of the following is/are the reason for the launch of Quit India Movement? 1. Involvement of India in World War II without prior consultation with the leaders 2. Failure of Cripps Mission due to its offer of Dominion Status only. Select the correct answer using the code is given below: -
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Q4. Which of the following has/have the power to determine the minority status in India? 1. Union 2. States 3. District Select the correct answer using the code given below
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Q6. Recently the house speaker of USA Nancy Pelosi visited a foreign country leading to a diplomatic incident. Which of the following is that country?
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Q7. As per second phase of ‘Fortified Rice Scheme’, central government has_ 1. distributed more than 6 lakh tonnes of fortified (nutricious) rice as a part of the Public Distribution System (PDS). 2. distributed through Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN) and Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) schemes. 3. enforced it, as a State Sponsored Scheme. Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?
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Q8. Consider the following statements regarding Federal Bank: 1. Federal Bank is the first bank to list its Payment Gateway platform on “TIN 2.0 platform” of the Income Tax Department. 2. Federal Bank is an Indian Government sector. 3. Tax Information Network (TIN) was started to modernize the current system to collect, process, monitor and take account of the direct taxes through information technology. Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?
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Q9. Consider the following statements regarding Science and Engineering Research Board: 1. The Science and Engineering Research Board’s- State University Research Excellence (SERB-SURE) scheme was recently launched to increase the research capabilities in a structured way. 2. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) is a non statutory body, working under the Department of Science and Technology. 3. Under this scheme, state universities would get level competition in a bid to secure research funding. Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?
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Q10. Consider the following statements regarding Hydrogen Fuel Cell: 1. Scientists from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have developed the world's most durable Hydrogen Fuel Cell. 2. Hydrogen fuel cells are not yet widely commercialized, despite having several environmental benefits. 3. Scientists from HKUST have discovered a new formula. This formula will reduce the proportion of platinum used by 80%. Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?
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Q11. Consider the following statements regarding Co-WIN: 1. The Covid-19 vaccination platform Co-WIN is set to be repurposed for the Universal Immunization program as well as blood donation. 2. CoWIN stands for “Covid Vaccine Innovative Network”. 3. India started COVID-19 vaccination for Frontline Workers in India on January 16, 2020. Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?
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Q12. Consider the following statements regarding: 1. On July 29, 2022, Planet Earth made rotation on its axis in less than 24 hours. 2. As per scientists less weight on the poles due to melting of glaciers, is the cause of faster spin. 3. As the rotation speed of the Earth is rotating, it could result in “Negative Leap Seconds” Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?
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