24 Apr EARTH DAY 2021
On the earth day on 22nd April 2021 Doodle highlights how everyone can plant the seed to a brighter future one sapling at a time.
Key points
- this year it will be the 51st anniversary of Earth Day
- the theme of the day this year is restore our Earth
- the theme examines natural processes emerging green Technologies and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystem
- Google published a doodle on its homepage of a given reading a book under a larger tree while her daughter carries a sapling to plant
- A video of the doodle shows people teaching their young ones to plant trees a lesson pass from one generation to the next
About Earth Day
- the idea for Earth day was birth by Nelson from US senator from Wisconsin
- It was first celebrated on 22nd April 1970
- The company added this Earth Day And everyday we encourage everyone to find one small act they can do to restore our Earth
- it’s bound to take root and Blossom into something beautiful
- The plant we call home continued to nurse and life and inspire wonder.
- around 20 million Americans took to the streets across the country for healthy and sustainable environment
- the day is recognised to emphasize the need to protect the planet
- The Earth day also recognises the collective responsibility as called for in the 1992 Rio declaration to promote harmony with nature and the earth to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations of humanity.
-Khyati Khare
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