12 Apr Enforcing claims (The Hindu, GS-2 International Relations)
Context:-USA-7 fleet has passed in India’s EEZ of Lakshadweep without India’s permission. On one hand it shows no respect to international law of seas on the other hand, it shows violation of India’s sovereignty.
- Indian foreign ministry has criticized the USA’s move and it made an outrage in Indian media.
- Repercussion:-
- A signal to all the countries that USA see everyone from one eye.
- it may affect the intensification of QUAD.
- this manifests into a defeating the longer the goal,
- What India must do:
- Clearly talking to USA government through the diplomatic channels and asking about the clarification.
- Indian government must clarify its position in this context.
- Must carryout the options which we have.
Download Daily Current Affairs of 12th April 2021
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