Gender Based Violence : A burning social issue (GS Paper I : Social Issues )

Gender Based Violence : A burning social issue (GS Paper I : Social Issues )

Context: World is celebrating today (25th November) the  international day for the elimination of violence against women. A campaign called “Orange the world ” is run by activists . Orange is the colour symbol of the brighter future . 

Gender based Violence is an act in which any wody commits crime because of the biases with another gender. We observe these crimes against women in large numbers.  Gender based violence is a serious act of human right violation . This is a threat towards humanism also and in civilized society these types of crime should not be permitted . It has been observed that one women out of three has been victed of such violence either victem of domestc violence or victim of sexual harsment in her entire life. This is very big issue which should be brought in public debate 

The international day for the elimination of violence against women is celebrated after the 16 days of International Human rights day. In fact activism against the crime committed towards women was concluded on this day (2008). Therefore this date is celebrated as  International day for the elimination of violence against women. 

UN Secretary-General and UN Women since have been running this campaign since 2008  and the objective of this complain was to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls from each and every countries of this world . The another tool used by this campaign is to promote awareness and advocacy and create opportunities for discussion on challenges and solutions.

The crime against women is not a new thing, women have been victims of domestic violence as well as gender based violence for a long time as our society has been male dominated society and the cultural feudalism is still practised , therefore it is necessary to raise our voice against uch crime. 

Violence against women is also an incident of human right violence . Among the incidents of human right violation, most of the cases are related to crime against women. these crime are related to intimate partner violence (battering, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide), sexual violence and harassment (rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, cyber- harassment), human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation), female genital mutilation; and child marriage. The above crime should be reduced otherwise we will leave large part of the population in the process of development 

Many international agencies including UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) are doing their best against gender based violence to tackle this issue . 

Definitely this problem or issue is the burning issue not for Indian context but also up to international level. In India orthodox society had approved and recognised this crime which can be resolved only through reform in the society. Education may be one of the strongest tools to tackle this problem. If women will be educated and would be provided property rights and through this way they would be empowered. The crime against women can be prevented only through making them strong by providing education. 

Download plutus ias daily current affairs 25 November 2021

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