18 May Gopal Krishna Gokhale
SOURCE- The Hindu)
Prime Minister of India paid tribute to Gopal Krishna Gokhale on his birth anniversary he was born on 9th May 1886
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale became a member of the Indian National Congress in 1889 he was the leader of the moderate faction of the Congress Party
- In 1905 he was elected president of the Indian National Congress
- he played a leading role in bringing about Morley Minto reforms, the beginning of constitutional reforms in India
- In 1889 Gokhale was elected to the Bombay Legislative Council and in 1901 he was elected to the Imperial Council of the Governor General of India
Servants of India society
- It was found by him in Pune in 1905 to further the expansion of education in India
- The society organised mobile library, founded schools and provided night classes for factory workers
- In 1908 founded the Ranade Institution of Economics
- In his Autobiography Gandhi called Gokhale his mentor and guide
- In 1912 Gokhale visited South Africa at Gandhiji invitation
- He received personal guidance from Gokhale including knowledge and understanding of India and the issues confronting common Indian
- He launched the English weekly newspaper name the Hitvaad in 1911
-Khyati Khare
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