India to establish Bharatiya Antariksh Station by 2028

India to establish Bharatiya Antariksh Station by 2028


GS-3 Sci and Tech-India to establish Bharatiya Antariksh Station by 2028


What is the Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS)?Which technology will be crucial for the assembly and maintenance of the BAS?


Discuss the significance of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station in advancing India’s space exploration capabilities.


India is on the brink of a new era in space exploration with its ambitious plan to establish the Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS) by 2028. This project signifies a leap forward for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the nation’s broader aspirations in the realm of space. The proposed space station will not only enhance India’s capabilities in scientific research and technology but also position the country as a significant player in the international space community.


India has made remarkable strides in space technology over the past few decades. With missions like Mangalyaan (Mars Orbiter Mission) and Chandrayaan (Moon missions), ISRO has garnered international acclaim for its cost-effective and innovative approaches to space exploration. The successful launch of the Gaganyaan mission, India’s first manned space mission, has set the stage for more ambitious projects, including the BAS.

The establishment of a space station aligns with India’s growing ambitions in space and mirrors similar initiatives by countries like the United States, Russia, and China. The global space race has evolved beyond just exploration; it now encompasses commercial, military, and scientific interests, prompting nations to invest heavily in space infrastructure.


  1. Scientific Research: The space station will provide a platform for conducting experiments in microgravity, which can lead to breakthroughs in various fields, including medicine, materials science, and astrophysics.
  2. Technological Development: Developing technologies for life support, habitat construction, and sustainable living in space will have far-reaching implications for future missions, including potential manned missions to Mars.
  3. International Collaboration: The station will foster collaborations with other countries and space agencies, promoting shared scientific knowledge and resources.
  4. Educational Outreach: By establishing a presence in low Earth orbit, India hopes to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, fostering interest in STEM fields among students.
  5. Strategic Presence: With the increasing importance of space in national security, having a space station will enhance India’s strategic capabilities.


  1. Phase 1: Planning and Design (2023-2025)
    This initial phase will involve extensive planning, design, and feasibility studies. ISRO will collaborate with various stakeholders, including academic institutions and industry partners, to develop the necessary technologies and infrastructure. This phase will also focus on determining the optimal orbit for the station, which will likely be in low Earth orbit (LEO).
  2. Phase 2: Development of Components (2025-2027)
    In this phase, ISRO will begin the development of key components for the space station. This includes life support systems, habitat modules, and docking mechanisms. Tests and simulations will be conducted on Earth to ensure that all systems function effectively in the harsh conditions of space.
  3. Phase 3: Launch and Assembly (2028)
    The final phase will involve the actual launch of the station’s modules into space, followed by assembly in orbit. ISRO plans to use its existing launch vehicles, such as the GSLV Mk III, to send modules into space. The assembly process will require careful coordination and precision to ensure that all components fit together seamlessly.


  1. Life Support Systems
    Creating a sustainable environment for astronauts is paramount. Innovations in air and water recycling, food production, and waste management will be essential. ISRO plans to incorporate advanced life support systems that ensure long-term habitation in space.
  2. Propulsion Technologies
    Efficient propulsion systems will be critical for transportation to and from the station. ISRO is exploring advanced propulsion technologies that will reduce travel time and costs, making regular missions feasible.
  3. Robotics and Automation
    Robotic systems will play a significant role in the assembly and maintenance of the space station. These technologies will allow for remote operations and reduce the need for human presence during complex tasks.


The establishment of the BAS presents an opportunity for India to strengthen its ties with other countries in the field of space exploration. Collaborations with space agencies such as NASA, ESA (European Space Agency), and Roscosmos can lead to shared resources and knowledge, enhancing the scientific output of the station.

India has already initiated discussions with various countries regarding potential partnerships. Joint missions, shared experiments, and collaborative research projects are on the horizon, which will further solidify India’s position in the global space community.


The establishment of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station is expected to have a significant economic impact. The space sector has proven to be a catalyst for technological advancements and job creation. By investing in space infrastructure, India can stimulate growth in various industries, including aerospace, telecommunications, and materials science.

Furthermore, the potential for commercial activities in space, such as satellite servicing and space tourism, opens up new avenues for economic development. As the global space economy continues to grow, India’s investments in the BAS will position the country to take advantage of emerging opportunities.


  1. Funding and Budget Constraints
    Establishing a space station is a costly endeavor. Securing adequate funding from the government and potential private investors will be critical. ISRO will need to demonstrate the value and return on investment for the project to attract the necessary financial support.
  2. Technological Hurdles
    Developing the required technologies for life support, propulsion, and habitat construction poses significant challenges. Continuous research and development will be essential to overcome these hurdles and ensure the safety and well-being of astronauts.
  3. International Regulations and Policies
    Navigating the complex landscape of international space regulations will be necessary for the successful establishment of the BAS. Collaborating with other nations will require adherence to various treaties and agreements governing space activities.


As India embarks on this monumental journey, public engagement and outreach will play a vital role. ISRO aims to involve citizens in the space program through educational initiatives, public lectures, and outreach programs in schools and universities. This engagement will foster a sense of ownership and pride in the nation’s space achievements.

  1. Inspirational Stories
    Sharing success stories from space missions and highlighting the contributions of Indian scientists and engineers will inspire future generations to pursue careers in space science and technology. By showcasing the real-world impact of space exploration, ISRO hopes to ignite interest and enthusiasm among young people.


The establishment of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station by 2028 marks a transformative step for India in the realm of space exploration. This ambitious project has the potential to enhance scientific research, technological innovation, and international collaboration, positioning India as a formidable player in the global space community.

As the country prepares to embark on this exciting journey, the successful execution of the BAS will not only elevate India’s standing in the field of space exploration but also inspire future generations to reach for the stars. With the right investments, collaboration, and public support, India is poised to make significant contributions to humanity’s understanding of space and its possibilities.


Download plutus ias current affairs eng med 20th Sep 2024



Q.What is one of the primary objectives of the BAS?

A. Conducting military operations

B. Space tourism

C. Scientific research in microgravity

D).Mining asteroids



Q.Reflect on the historical context of India’s space program and its evolution towards the establishment of a space station.(150wors)


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