National mission for sustainable Agriculture

National mission for sustainable Agriculture


 The scheme has been come in the place in the year 2014 and 15

 Objective of the scheme-

  • To adopt comprehensive Soil management practices based on soil fertility maps.  
  • To optimise utilisation of water resources for achieving per  drop more crop.  
  • To develop the capacity of our stakeholders in conjunction with other ongoing missions. 
  • To establish effective inter and intra department coordination. 

 Features of the scheme

  •  This was one of the eight missions under the National action plan for climate change which was launched in the year 2008 .
  • Its architecture has been designed by converting, concentrating and subsuming  all ongoing and the newly proposed programs related to sustainable agriculture

Important Strategies

  •  Promoting location specific integrated farming system.  
  • Soil and moisture conservation measures.  
  • Comprehensive soil Health Management. 
  • Efficient water management practices . 

 Components of the schemes –

 Rainfed area development:  It will adopt an area based approach for development and conservation of natural resources along with farming systems.

 National bamboo mission:  It aims to utilise the vast and untapped potential of the bamboo sector  and boost domestic cultivation of quality and appropriate species for supplies

 Soil Health management:  It aims promoting location as well as crop specific sustainable soil Health Management by way of creating and checking soil fertility Maps with macro and micronutrients Management.


The National Advisory Committee has been formed under the chairmanship of secretary of agriculture and cooperation to provide strategic direction for the guidance and planning for effective implementation of the mission. 


  • It ensures production of sufficient human food, feed fibre and fuel to meet the needs of the rising population of our country.
  •  Sustainable agriculture production is the key to our food and livelihood.
  •  Under this, the farming system  uses practices such as controller farming and filter strips  near rivers to limit the contamination of water mass.

Source- Pib

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