Uyghur people : A Cruel treatment by China  (GS Paper I : Society /Conflict )

Uyghur people : A Cruel treatment by China  (GS Paper I : Society /Conflict )


For last month a hearing in tribunal of London is going on the issue of the human right violation by China . Infact, the Chinese government,s activities against Uyghur people are considered as a human right violation by the world Community. This treatment of China with minority races is being criticized everywhere in the world. The forum related to museums, galleries and other cultural institutions working with government-supported institutions in China are thinking of boycotting the Chinese govt. Sir Geoffrey Nice is the the chairperson of the  tribunal


Who are Uyghur 

  • A  native  race belonged to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China.

  • They believed in Islam 

  •  They are officially recognized ethnic minorities. ..

  • They are from the Turks race 

  • Some other regidance of this community are in the countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkey and in some other muslim countries 

History of Uighurs 

  • Uighurs are originally from the regions of  eastern Turkestan 

  • Their language is generally Turkish and originated from the race of Turkey . Initially this region was the part of the Russian Empire and the former Soviet Union 

  • Since then Turkic peoples had been migrating  or expanding from the Mongolian steppes. This migration had started during the sixth century. 

  • With the penetration of Islam byy the 11th century, these people had adopted Islam . But they opted the liberal form of the Islam , mainly Sufism 

  • Since then Sufi form was the dominant religion of the Uighar people 

  • We observed the the conflict between these people with the people of Buddhism  because Buddhism was patronised by contemporary rulers 

  • after ruling elites loyal to Buddhism were defeated in battle. 

  • The history of the Uighurs in early modern times isnothing but it is the history of urbanisation  , the emergence of new city states, industrial towns mainly those based in Kashgar and Khotan

  • Uighur are influenced by the Naqshbandi Sufi orders. Sufi supremacy reached its peak  in the late 16th century when the Saidiya khanate collapsed and the region fell under the sway of the Khojas, powerful political figures who were also spiritual leaders of the Naqshbandi order. 

  • In the reign of the Appaq Khoja  in 1679, a descendant of the sheikhs of Samarkand, took power in Kashgar. Present time His mausoleum is the place of tourist attraction and still the Uighursstill worshiped the family tombs 

  • The Qing dynasty ruled over  China from 1644 to 1911 and . Its ruling elite were originally Manchus who were migrated from  from the steppes and forests of north- east Asia 

  • In fact they were mainly mongoloid and ruled with the assistance of Mongolian allies and Han Chinese officials. 

  • Gradually Turkestan was merged  with the Chinese Empire up to the time period of mid-18th century 

  • The Qing government empowered its  military and bureaucratic organisations and started to rule in this region permanently and the local Turkic-speaking Muslim elite supported them because of the religion 

  • Even Though this revolt was temporary but atleast succeeded. Later on , several revolts were led by Yakub Beg (1820-77) and he also succeeded in the establishment of an  independent government in Kashgar in 1867. In 1878 Qing armies under Zuo Zongtang defeated Yakub Beg and  Eastern Turkestan was formally incorporated into the Chinese Empire as the province of Xinjiang in November 1884.


Download Plutus ias Current Affairs 30 setember 2021

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