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Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes, 17 to 22 April, 2023
1 / 12
Q1. Consider the following statements with reference to Jaina sects.
Choose the correct answer using code given below:
2 / 12
Q2. Consider the following statements about Basohli Painting:
3 / 12
Q3. With reference to an organization known as ‘Birdlife International’ which of the following statements is/are correct?
4 / 12
Q4. Consider the following statements about International Finance Corporation (IFC):
5 / 12
Q5. Consider the following statements about UN Statistical Commission:
6 / 12
Q6. Consider the following statements:
7 / 12
Q7. Consider the following statements regarding Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve (GOMBR):
8 / 12
Q8. With reference to the recently released India Justice Report 2022, which of the following statements is/are correct?
9 / 12
Q9. Consider the following statements about the National Medical Commission (NMC):
10 / 12
Q10. With reference to solar power production in India, consider the following statements:
11 / 12
Q11. Consider the following statements regarding Rare Earth Minerals:
12 / 12
Q12. Which one of the following is not the most likely measure the Government/RBI takes to stop the slide of the Indian rupee?
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