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Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes, 08 to 13 April 2024
1 / 10
Q1. Consider the following statements regarding the India Employment Report 2024:
How many of the statements above are correct?
2 / 10
Q2. Consider the following statements regarding the Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement(TEPA), which was signed between India and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA):
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
3 / 10
Q3. Consider the following statements regarding the Governor in India:
4 / 10
Q4. Consider the following statements:
5 / 10
Q5. Consider the following statements regarding the United Nations Security Council.
6 / 10
Q6. Consider the following statements:
7 / 10
Q7. Consider the following statements:
8 / 10
Q8. Consider the following statements:
9 / 10
Q9. Which of the following options most accurately characterises the main objective of the 'Tiger Triumph exercise'?
10 / 10
Q10. Consider the following statements with reference to the critical minerals:
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