19 Mar Biden and the West Asian tinderbox (The Hindu, International relations GS-2)
- The Iran nuclear deal is away from being reinstated.
- USA has gone on penalising the Saudi Arab for the Yemen war.
- Elephant in the room is Israel, how to deal?
- West asia is not a unicenter of power, rather a multi centre. E.g. Turkey to Russia.
- Iran is adamant to show it prowess but economic sanction made her kneel.
- Penalising Saudi may push her more towards russia.
- Delay in the nuclear deal may become a cause of extremists to come in power.
- Here comes china which has a big game to play, on one hand issues with usa in trade and on the other hand Growing proximity with russia.
What need to do by USA:
- Reinstate the nuclear deal as soon as possible.
- China should not be given upper hand.
- The USA must protect its ally but peace must be the final goal.
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