14 Jun The world is hardly wired for cyber resilience (The Hindu, GS-2, Internal security)
Posted at 14 Jun 2021
in Current Affairs, GS Paper III, Science and technology, Use of technology in the people's lives
Context:- Cyber security means securing cyberspace from attack and economic espionage. Cyberspace is nothing but the interconnectedness of IT infrastructure such as Internet, Telecom networks, computer systems etc.
Types of Cyber crimes
- Cyber defamation: It is defamation with the help of computers.
- Corporate smear: It is a false rumour about a company
- Digital forgery: Making use of digital technology to forge a document such as fakes IDs, cheques, currency, passports, visas, etc.
- Gambling: The world of online gambling, due to its anonymity, unfortunately has many other hazards like danger of illegal use of credit card or illegal access to bank account.
- Illegal articles: Articles like drugs, guns, pirated software or music that might not be permitted in a territory
- E-mail spamming: It is an unsolicited message requiring one’s time and effort to get rid off.
Recent History of cyber attack:-
- SolarWinds’:- Involved data breaches of several wings and departments such as including defence, energy and state of the U.S. government.
- Chinese group Hafnium:- This group exploited serious flaws in Microsoft’s software, thus gaining remote control over affected systems.
- DarkSide:- Ransomware attack by Russia,Colonial Pipeline (which is the main supplier of oil to the U.S. East Coast), compelling the company to temporarily shut down operations.
- Stuxnet attack by USA on Iran’s Nuclear facility.
- Nobelium:- Next launched a phishing attack on 3,000 e-mail accounts, targeting USAID and several other organisations.
- Ransomware attacks:- These attacks now a days have skyrocketed these demands and payments going into multi-millions of dollars
Why there is need of cyber security in India:-
- Government’s digital push: Government programmes such as Aadhaar, MyGov, Government e-Market, DigiLocker, Bharat Net etc. are a sitting duck for the hackers
- Start-ups digital push: India is the third largest hub for technology-driven startups
- Prevent economic loss: It is expected to reach $20 billion in the next 10 years.
- Increasing internet users: India ranks 3rd in terms of number of internet users
- To protect women and children who are more vulnerable such as cyber bullying, online harassment, Child pornography etc.
What is the current Say, Cyber attack is directed towards civilians: Earlier attacks on civilians were excluded from cyber security. But now we must refine the orientation of cyber security which must comprehensively include civilian cooperation as well as civilian defence.
What is the need or way forward:-
- aware of the nature of the cyber threat to their businesses
- We must take adequate precautionary measures.
- The current pandemic has also created too much data in the health infrastructure. Our health infra is not having that critical cyber security i.e. being capable of breach of data.
- the cyber landscape is poised to undergo more fundamental changes.
- data becomes the world’s most precious commodity
- several billion devices interconnected to billions of end point devices exchanging petabytes of sensitive data.
- cybersecurity professionals are now engaging in building a ‘Zero Trust Based Environment’
- Zero Trust Based Environment means
- zero trust on end point devices
- zero trust on identity
- zero trust on the network to protect all sensitive data
- Building deep technology in cyber is essential for ensure the security of critical infrastructure.
- Machine learning and quantum computing present new opportunities
- regular vulnerability assessments and create necessary awareness of the growing cyber threat.
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