Archaeological relevance of pre-Hispanic artifacts (GS Paper 1 : Art and Culture )

Archaeological relevance of pre-Hispanic artifacts (GS Paper 1 : Art and Culture )


Mexico  recovered various artifacts related to pre-Hispanic  culture from abroad. 

Now Two Mexican museums are displaying the various artefacts related from pre-Hispanic culture and other artefacts which are related with historical period aslo . NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER is  dedicated institution of Mexico which does research on Hspanic Culture 

Hispanic culture

  • Even Though there is a long debate regarding Hispanic people but general view is that Hispanic people were original habitat of Spain or of Latin America and then this culture migrated to Mexico 

  • In fact, Mexico was colonised by Spain . Therefore it was quite possibility of the migration of Spanish people on large scale and they brought their culture with them 

  • The present ethinic groups of Mexico are having their roots in Hisponic people who had migrated from Spain and Latin America 

  • Hispanic culture has several traditions for which this culture is known . The culture of Mexico is similar to the Hispanic culture . In fact new maxi is still preserving and following its traditional culture 

  • Curanderismo is also related to the Hispanic culture and it is the art and practice of traditional medicine  which means to heal or to culture.  It is a type of therapy related to various types of body pain . With the change of time this traditional medical practice is now disappearing. Although Government and other culture institutions are trying to protect it 

  • It had been popular throughout the 1800s when the curandero practiced holistic medicine, they would have been considered a family’s counselor, midwife and pharmacist.

Other Traditions 

  • Day of the Dead, Mariachi,Pilgrimage to Chimayo,Tamales,The lighting of luminarias or farolitos and storytelling. Among which storytelling had been a popular tradition of Mexico. In their tradition. In this tradition, the folks were formed and are told to the public to glorify the culture of Mexico 

  •  Día de Los Muertos/Day of the Dead was also a popular tradition that started hundreds of years ago . It originated in Mexico itself . Before colonization it was celebrated in summer but after colonisation it was associated with Christanity and gradually it became associated with the Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ Eve, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day.

  • Mariachi is a celebration related to marriage. On the occasion of marriage this was celebrated . The traditional mariachi group consists of as many as eight violins, two trumpets and at least one guitar, including a high-pitched vihuela and an acoustic bass guitar called a guitarron.

  • Pilgrimage to Chimayo is a celebration related to pilgrimage . thousands of people make their tours to Chimayo, a village of Northern New Mexico . They generally offer prayer for their wellness . Tamales is a traditional dish made of corn-cased masa, steamed in a corn husk. It can be filled with various types of meats, cheeses, fruits, green vegetables, and chilli 

Definitely Mexico had also witnessed the Hispancic culture and it had its original culture evolved before Haspanci culture. This culture was little deprived to Hispanic culture. This the appreciable works of Maxico ‘s museums that those are providing such promotion and patronization to the culture of Mexico 

Download Plutus ias Current Affairs 04 October 2021

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