CONTEXT: In India’s battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a reason for optimism as new coronavirus daily cases have dipped to a 9-month low.
According to the Health Ministry, the reasons for optimism→
Country’s active case load 1,46,950 cases (a 262-day low)
Since the pandemic began in March 2020, the active cases were 0.43% of the total caseload and the lowest so far.
since September, Globally also, the daily caseload has fallen by nearly 1/3rd, but the virus continues to infect
All this is after the situation where India was hit by a second wave, led by a dominating Delta variant that saw daily cases increment to approx 4,00,000 a day and numerous deaths in many States.
Vaccination :
About 74 crore first doses of the vaccine have been administered, which amounts to 56% of the population.
Close to 34 crore second doses have been administered which stand for a quarter of the population being fully inoculated.
RESULTS from serology surveys –
show that many more have been exposed to the virus than official numbers but is not fatal.
The future demand for vaccination may depend on children’s adoption or on the demand for booster shots from people who are worried about dwindling immunity.
The following scenes clarifies the decline in Covid-fear :-
Queues in airports
Crowds in tourist destinations
Rejuvenation in several indices of trade and economic activity
The next important step of the Government should be towards :
Last mile delivery of vaccines
Advocating caution to avoid another wave of infections
facilitate the upgradation of hospital infrastructure in every district
Building up stocks of promising antivirals
Ensure that vaccine companies increase supplies
Inspite of the falling COVID-19 cases, India must focus on the improvement in vaccination, treatment and continue its pace in the same direction.
Download CURRENT AFFAIRS 9th November 2021
Plutus IAS Current Affairs Team Member
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