20 Dec Patriots Polles in Hong Kong : Its significance in Indian Context GS Paper II Source – The Hindu
Patriots Polles in Hong Kong : Its significance in Indian Context- Today Current Affairs
Context : The election for Legislative council (LegCo) was conducted yesterday after the radical overhaul of the specia; administrative region’s electoral system and During this election In comparison to election held in 2016 , less people came out and participated in election .
Introduction : The election conducted for the Legislative Council in Hongkong is named as the Patriot Polls because through this election , it would be ensured that only patriod people could run the administration . Even though the definition of the patriotism in China is contradictory to the concept of democracy
New Pattern of election : Less democratic- The Hindu Analysis
After the transfer of Hong HongKong to China First time elections of this system were held. Even though the Chinese government increased the number of seats in the Assembly from 70 to 90, the seats of direct election were reduced from 35 to 20. The election for 70 seats would be indirect among which 40 would be elected by a 1200 member committee and most of the members of the committee will be from the government of China which would ensure that you are loyal towards China or not . Remaining 30 would be elected by the corporate sector . these constituencies are called functional constituencies
In this way China just conducted elections of LegCo of Hong Kong and showed the world that democratic institutions are also there but the reality is that many people of Hongkong those who protested against the Chinese government either escaped from China or they were detained . people of Hong Kong , they are also not happy with the Chinese administration as their fundamental rights are being crushed daily .
Significance for India : India is a democratic country and China is not practicing true democracy and therefore it is the compulsion for the Chinese government to opt aggressive policy towards the other countries because this aggressiveness is the only tool through which the Chinese government could earn popularity among people. The despotic and theocratic rules or administration could be survived through the emotion of patriotism. Patriotism is a concept through which you feel emotional attachment towards your motherland .
Through this patriotism despotic and autocratic rule have been justifying for a long time . One side he is adopting the depostic policies on other side , China is organizing elections to show the world that she believes in democratic institution
In fact, the main concern for India is that any non democratic countries would be dangerous for India in a long time because the survival of an autocratic country is always based on war . Therforefor the establishment of the democratic institution in China would be beneficial for India
Western world and other responsible countries of the world which are advocating democracy should expose China regarding pseudo democracy. Indian Government should also expose this pseudo democracy of China
Conclusion :
The declaration of The election for the legislative Council of Hongkong as patriotic polls by China should be condemned by the Indian government and should expose the reality of this election on the world forum . The term Patriotism should also be defined by the Indian government and compare it with the patriotism of China. Patriotism is not contradictory to Humanism . To support the government against human rights is not patriotism . This patriotism is a tool to justify the despotic rule
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