20 Apr National Civil Services : An analysis in context to its changing paradigm
National Civil Services – Today Current Affairs
Context : The Government of India celebrates April 21 every year as ‘Civil Services day’ as an occasion for the civil servants to rededicate themselves to the cause of citizens and renew their commitments to public service and excellence in work.
Today Current Affairs
Introduction : Generally Civil Services is described as the core and permanent administration branch of the government. Administration responsible for the National government is the national Civil Services . Civil Services consists of permanent officials working in various departments and ministries of the government including the defense sector . Civil Services are generally advisory institutions in their nature and advise for the day to day administration of the country. Civil Services are not accountable for the public directly .
In democratic and welfare states, the role of civil services has not only changed but also increased . The accountability and the responsibility of civil services are continuously increasing as the democratic institutions are strengthening . However , in Changing world , after globalization the intervention of the government in public business has decreased but the responsibility and accountability of the government regarding good governance has increased . Therefore nowadays the role of Civil services is more crucial.
Objectives of Civil Services : The Hindu Analysis
In a democratic country the role of civil services is more crucial . The objective of the civil services is to implement all the policies of the government properly . In democratic countries bureaucracy is not accountable and responsible for the public so decision making power has not consisted in civil services regarding any public business . Earlier during the British period, the civil servant had some discretionary powers but in a democratic countries , civil services should not be empowered in such a manner .
The basic objective of any democratic government is to ensure maximum welfare of maximum people . Therefore the implementation of such objectives of democratic government is the responsibility of the civil services. Today Current Affairs
In fact, Civil services is a tool to implement government policies . It is a group of the expert people who can give their expertise advice to the government so that the government could make rule over those advices .
Civil Services in Indian History : The Hindu Analysis
The history of Civil services goes back thousands of Years . During the Mauryan period, we see well structured civil services . The appointment of the Civil services during Mauryan period was done through competitive exams (Updha Pariksha). The objective of the civil services was to ensure the well being of the public. Asoka also brought some changes in civil services and the civil services were reorganized on the basis of national integrity and communal harmony . An officer Dhamma Mahamatya was appointed to ensure the righteousness/moral conduct of the people. The Hindu Analysis
During the medieval period , we also saw well structured civil services during the time of Akbar. The objective of the Civil services during the medieval period was to ensure the communal harmony as well as unity and integrity of the state .
After the arrival of Britain , the nature of the civil services had been changed. The prime objective of the civil services during the British period was to strengthen imperialism and colonialism . For which they needed a strong army . Therefore they ensured maximum tax collection through civil services . to make revenue administration Cornwallis separated revenue administration with general administration. So that maximum and effective tax collection could be ensured.
Aitchison Commission (1886) recommended the division of services into three groups – Imperial, Provincial and Subordinate. For the imperialistic purpose the secretary of the Indian state was appointed in London who received the salary from the treasury of India . For the subordinate services , Civil services were formed to ensure the implementation of the British policies up to the root level .
The Government of India Act 1919 divided the Imperial Services into All India Services and Central Services. The central services were concerned with matters under the direct control of the Central Government. Today Current Affairs
This Act also provided for the establishment of the Public Services Commission in India. But it was established in 1926 after recommendation
The imperialistic structure of the civil services was responsible to impose British rule on the public effectively . The nature of the civil services during the British period looks oppressive .
Significance of Civil Services : The Hindu Analysis
The British state was a police state . hence the structure of the civil services during British period was to strengthen police state where the right and consents of the public were ignored
After independence , However we borrowed the civil services from the British but we brought some changes in civil services in Independent India . Now the objective of the civil services is changed and that is to make the administration more efficient and effective to provide maximum welfare of the public .
Changing Paradigm : The Hindu Analysis
There are several flaws which we have borrowed from the British Civil services however the British have reformed in England but In India those are yet to reform . Still our Civil services are based on the imperialist structure . The secretary of education is not an expert on education . This type of anomalies should be addressed. There are some services which are ignored and generally filled by IAS only . the education and health sector is ignored .
In recent years we observed some changes in civil services regarding services rule, cadre allocation and the transfer , posting. The Structure of civil services is trying to make it more centralized however it is opposed by the provincial governments . In fact , India is a union of the state . At the time of independence the administrative structure of India was made more centralized to prevent India from further disintegration but federalism is the basic structure of the Indian constitution therefore the nature of administration is continuously tending towards federalism . After the Panchayati raj system , the role of civil services has been more crucial and responsible for the welfare of the public . As the awareness of the public will increase the role and responsibility of National civil services will increase in the direction of maximum welfare
After the 2000 (During the 21st century), technology is continuously advancing . In this way the civil services are expected to be more technologically advanced . Recently it has been observed that by using technology the efficiency of the civil services has been continuously increased . Corruption among civil servants can also be curtailed by using technology . In Sum, we say the nature of the civil services is continuously changing as per the requirement of the changing society in a democratic country . In recent years , it has been more effective and more accountable for the country
Today Current Affairs
As per the above discussion, It can be said that the history of civil services is as old as the emergence of the state in India (During 4th century BC). The nature of civil services is continuously changing as per the nature of the society. The British used civil services to strengthen imperialism and colonialism .However we have borrowed the structure of civil services from the British but we are continuously transforming civil services as per the requirement of the society in democratic state . We should transform the civil services toward more accountability for the public . There must be some ethics of the civil servants and those ethical values must be in the favor of the public.
In the Gist form of the above discussion, it can be said that the nature of civil services is continuously changing. Democratic values and social ethic, moral values like elements are being added in Civil services and in future this change would be continuing and or sustainable .
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Plutus ias daily current affairs 20 April 2022
Plutus IAS Current Affairs Team Member
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