Centre-State Relations in the light of amendment to IAS Cadre rules

Centre-State Relations in the light of amendment to IAS Cadre rules

Centre-State Relations in the light of amendment to IAS Cadre rules- Today Current Affairs

(GS Paper-II, Polity,Constitution,Governance,Social Justice and International Relations) 

Source: The Indian Express

Why in News? The Hindu Analysis

Recently the central government has proposed the amendment to Rule 6 of the IAS (Cadre) Rules,1954 which has attracted controversy between Centre and States on the political lines.

Today Current Affairs

Centre-State Relations with respect to Administrative Services: The Hindu Analysis

  • India being a quasi-federal country, the executive is organized between the Centre and States.
  • As per Article 309 of the Constitution, the Centre and States are empowered to maintain services for running their respective administration.
  • The Centre and States have the power to exercise full control over their services independently of each other.
  • To maintain the harmony between them, Sardar Patel envisioned the creation of the All-India Services.
  • Article 312 of the Constitution provides for the administration of All-India Services unlike a central or state service.
  • The Centre determines the recruitment and allotment of cadre and the states determine the work and posting.
  • So, we can say , All-India Services have been carefully balanced between the Centre and the States

IAS (Cadre) Rules,1954: Today Current Affairs

  • The Rule-6 (1) of the IAS (Cadre) Rules-1954 deals with central deputation in the IAS.
  • According to these rules, All India Services officers are available for central deputation through a consultative process involving the Centre, the States and the officers concerned and in case of any disagreement, it is the Central Government who decides the matter.
  • Every year, the States use to prepare an “offer list” of officers who had opted for central deputation and the Centre would choose officers only from among those “on offer” from the States.
  • The implementation of the cadre rules is left to the states.
  • Also there are some states which openly disregard the cadre rules with respect to:
  • The unilaterally appointing non-cadre officers to IAS cadre posts
  • The Minimum Tenure Guarantee
  • The impunity in matters of postings and transfers

Proposed amendment to the Rule 6 of the IAS (Cadre) Rules,1954: The Hindu Analysis

  • It seeks to do away with the consent of both the officers and the state government in matters related to Central deputation.
  • The central government said that it has been proposed to ensure adequate availability of IAS officers for the central deputation.
  • Stripping away the consent of the state government is a move towards greater centralisation in the IAS, bringing it functionally closer to a central service.
  • It has the potential to disrupt the delicate balance between the Centre and states

Possible Impacts of this move: The Hindu Analysis

  • The States may be losing key officers due to mandatory central deputation as feared by the opposition
  • It may compel the states to appoint state officers to the key posts dealing with transaction of business rules.
  • Further states may provide opportunities for retired bureaucrats to re-enter into the administration outside the cadre policy.

This amendment is against the idea of Sardar Patel who envisioned All-India Services as a unifying link between the Centre and the States. It will not only hamper the Centre-State relations but it will also lead to functional depreciation of IAS officers in the states.So it is important to provide adequate safeguard to States and the officers for their smooth functioning.


Here we mention all information about Centre-State Relations in the light of amendment to IAS Cadre rules Today Current Affairs

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