08 May Child and forced labour
(GS paper-2, policy
Source- Livemint)
A recent study I have raised the issue of ambiguity about definitions of child labour and forced labour in India especially for sugarcane producing states of Bihar Karnataka Maharashtra Punjab and up the study was commissioned by United Nation development programme and The Coca-Cola Company
highlights of the study:
- Authorities discounted under age child labour as child helping parents in the field
- similarly conclusion was about the advance payment to migrant workers and associated risk of forced or bonded labour
- Most of the intervention in the sugarcane sector either by government authorities or by the corporate social responsibility arms of companies were focused just on improving farming techniques to ensure the increase in cane productivity
Child labour and forced labour meaning
child labour- work that children of their childhood their potential and their dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental development
forced labour- all work or service which is exempted from any person under the millions of any penalty and for which the said person have not offered himself voluntarily
legal safeguard for child:
provisions of child labour prohibition and regulation Amendment Act 2016
- employment of children below the age of 14 years in any enterprise is illegal
- the employment of adolescent in occupation that deals with headers working conditions such as chemical plants and mines
- children can only work after school hours or during holidays and that children are allowed to work in family owned secure sectors
- allows child labour in family or family Enterprise
- allows in child to be an artist in an audio visual entertainment industry
- Does not define the art of work
-Khyati Khare
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