Chillai kalan : A local geographical term related to Weather GS Paper I Sources- The Hindu , Indian express

Chillai kalan : A local geographical term related to Weather GS Paper I Sources- The Hindu , Indian express

Chillai kalan : A local geographical term related to Weather- Today Current Affairs

Context : During the month of December the weather of Kashmir sometimes becomes very cool. Kashmir is in a deep freeze as the 40 days harshest spell of winter locally called chillai kalan started on tuesday (21st Dec 2021), with the minimum temperature already sub zero in entire valley 

Introduction : The weather of Winter starts in India after the month ofNovember when the earth tilts away from the sun. In this season many animals become hibernated due to unbearable cold weather. Snowfall and winter storms are very common in this season.. Northern India feels extremely cool during this season . In India cold or winter season lasts up to the month of February 

The weather of mountain reason during this time become more cold and thee temperature reached below to the minus 40 degree centigrade 

What is Chilai Kalan: The Hindu Analysis

  • Chillai kalan is a persian term which means extreme cool where the temperature reaches below -40 degree centigrade . During this period all the mountains of Kashmir will be covered with snow . There is maximum chance of the snowfall during this period and the people have to face the problem of connectivity (Blockage of roads etc)

  • This Chillai Kalan begins from 21 december and ends with 31st january 

  • ‘Chillai Kalan is followed by 20 days of Chilai Khurd which mean little less cold but it does not mean the cold has ended. Khurd means minor or small (or smaller). During Muslim period , they used these term kalan and Khurd as suffix with the name of village . Khurd for smaller village and kalan for bigger village 

  • Chilai Khurd is followed by 10 days of Chilai bacha . This is a pleasant weather and people enjoy this weather 

  • As per the Persian tradition the night of 21st December is celebrated as Shab-e Yalda-“Night of Birth ”, or Shab-e Chelleh. – “Night of Forty”.Iranian Azerbaijanis call it Chilla Gejasi, which marks the beginning of the first 40 days of winter. The Iranian concept also survives in Kashmir, where Chillai Kalan designates the 40-day harshest winter period.

Geographical Reason of the seasons in India: Today Current Affairs

After the  monsoon season , temperature starts to decline gradually because of the motion of the earth around the sun and the distance between earth and sun increases gradually . Because of the tilt of earth , the northern Hemisphere feels colder during this time . Sun’s vertical rays move south to the equator . In northern reason of India , because of the Himaya, temperature reduced rapidly and during the month of Jan, February , people feel more cool in kashmir and even in Gangetic plain. The Hindu Analysis.


India is the only country of the world where we feel different types of the seasons, Even Though this Chillai kalan is the harsh condition but still it makes kashmir valley beautiful and attracts tourists also. Government of kashmir should ensure medical facilities during this season because the incidents of heart attack may increase . Ladakh and Jammu and kashmir will be witness of 60 to 70 % snowfall during this month 

In this article we mention all information about Chillai kalan : A local geographical term related to Weather Today Current Affairs.

Relevancy for UPSC

For prelims – What is Chiallia Kalan, Khur etc 

For mains- Discuss the geographical reasons for seasons in India 

Download Plutusias daily current affairs 22 December 2021 

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