Co-op societies can now procure goods from public procurement portal GeM

Co-op societies can now procure goods from public procurement portal GeM

Co-op societies can now procure goods from public procurement portal GeM – Today Current Affairs


The Union Cabinet expanded the scope of the public procurement portal Government e-Marketplace (GeM) to allow cooperative societies to register as buyers.

Today Current Affairs

Potential Advantages of the Move : The Hindu Analysis

  • The decision is expected to help cooperatives in getting competitive prices through an open and transparent process. An official statement said that more than 8,54,000 registered cooperatives and their 270 million members will be benefitted.
  • “Since the societies have more than 270 million members, procurement through GeM will not only economically benefit the common man, but it would also enhance the credibility of the cooperatives”.
  • GeM will provide a dedicated onboarding process for cooperatives
  • Provide the technical infrastructure to support additional users on existing portal
  • Provide assistance to cooperatives for onboarding and transaction journeys, via available contact centres, in-field training and other support services

Current Provision : The Hindu Analysis

  • Presently, the registration of cooperatives as “buyers” was not covered within the existing mandate of  and was open for procurement by central and state government departments, public sector undertakings (PSUs) and autonomous and local bodies.
  • While it is still not available for use by private sector buyers, the government, as well as the private sector, can become suppliers.

What is GeM? The Hindu Analysis

Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is a one stop portal to facilitate online procurement of common use Goods & Services required by various Government Departments / Organizations / PSUs. GeM aims to enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement. It provides the tools of e-bidding, reverse e-auction and demand aggregation to facilitate the government users achieve the best value for their money.

The government had launched GeM five years ago as an end-to-end e-marketplace.

It is a government-to-business platform.

GeM Advantages For Buyers : The Hindu Analysis

Offers rich listing of products for individual categories of Goods/Services.
Makes available search, compare, select and buy facility.
Enables buying Goods and Services online, as and when required.
Provides transparency and ease of buying.
Ensures continuous vendor rating system.
Up-to-date user-friendly dashboard for buying, monitoring supplies and payments.
Provision of easy return policy.

GeM Advantages For Sellers : The Hindu Analysis

Direct access to all Government departments.
One-stop shop for marketing with minimal efforts.
One-stop shop for bids / reverse auction on products/services.
New Product Suggestion facility available to Sellers.
Dynamic pricing: Price can be changed based on market conditions.
Seller friendly dashboard for selling, and monitoring of supplies and payments.
Consistent and uniform purchase procedures.

What are the Requirements to utilize the GeM portal? The Hindu Analysis

For Using GeM portal first a Primary User needs to register on GeM portal. Requirement of Registration on GeM are as follows:
Aadhaar number of the user
Mobile number which is linked with Aadhaar
Email ID ending with
Verifying authority details such as name, mobile number and email ID ending with

Goods up to what value can be purchased on GeM? The Hindu Analysis

The GeM portal shall be utilized by the Government buyers for direct on-line purchases as under :

Up to Rs.25,000/- through any of the available suppliers on the GeM, meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period. The procuring authorities will certify the reasonability of rates.
Above Rs.25,001/- and up to Rs.5,00,000/- through the GeM Seller having lowest price amongst the available sellers, of at least three different manufacturers, on GeM, meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period. The tools for online bidding and online reverse auction available on GeM can be used by the Buyer if decided by the competent authority. The procuring authorities will certify the reasonability of rates.
Above Rs.5,00,000/- through the supplier having lowest price meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period after mandatorily obtaining bids, using online bidding or reverse auction tool provided on GeM. The procuring authorities will certify the reasonability of rates.

How to make purchase on GeM? The Hindu Analysis

Buyer to login to GeM portal. Select and cart the product as per the requirement through application of various filters. Buyers should apply filters carefully to define their requirement without adversely affecting competitiveness.

Create demand — Generate Sanction order — Generate contract. Once order is placed, Seller to deliver the Goods/ Services to consignee within stipulated delivery date and generate on-line invoice on GeM portal.
Consignee to login after receipt of Items. Generation of Provisional receipt Certificate (PRC) within 48 hrs of receipt of stores. Generation of Consignee Receipt and Acceptance Certificate (CRAC) within 10 days of receipt of stores.
Bill processing by buyer (within 2 days of generation of CRAC by consignee) — Bill to be forwarded to PFMS by DDO within 1 day of on-line receipt of bill from Buyer against e-signed Consignee’s Receipt and Acceptance Certificate (CRAC) (In case of central government organizations paying through PFMS) — Payment to be made by PAO from PFMS within 2 days of receipt of bill from DDO (total time limit for payment is 10 days from date of generation of CRAC). Or Buyer to forward all documents for payment to Paying Authority and Payment to be released by Paying Authority / PAO within 10 days of generation of Consignee’s Receipt (In case of users paying through SBI e-pay or Other mode of Payment.)

How to sell on GeM? The Hindu Analysis

To sell on GeM, Registration on the GeM portal is needed.
List the products under specific product categories.
Once an order is received, deliver the product to the Consignee duly entering its details on the portal.
Once an order is successfully delivered, Consignee shall inspect / test the product for its conformity with contract specifications and issue acceptance / rejection through on-line CRAC.
After CRAC, buyer will process the bill and forward to paying authority for time bound payments.


In this article we mention all information about Co-op societies can now procure goods from public procurement portal GeM  Today Current Affairs.

Plutus IAS Current Affairs Eng med 3rd June 2022

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