Global Hunger Index 2023

Global Hunger Index 2023

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Global Hunger Index 2023”. This topic has relevance in the Social Issues section of the UPSC CSE exam.

For Prelims:

Index Overview?

Indicator Components?

For Mains:

GS 2: Social Issues

Key Findings for India?

Global Scenario?


Why in the news?

In the Global Hunger Index (GHI) for 2023, India’s ranking has fallen to 111 out of 125 countries. This represents a decline from its position of 107 out of 121 countries in 2022.


Index Overview: 

The Global Hunger Index is a comprehensive tool for measuring and tracking hunger globally, regionally, and nationally. It relies on four key indicators to calculate a Global Hunger Index (GHI) score on a 100-point scale, where lower scores indicate less hunger.


Indicator Components:

  • Undernourishment based on caloric intake.
  • Child stunting based on height. (under age five)
  • Child wasting based on weight. (under age five)
  • Child mortality (before age five).

Key Findings for India:

  • India had the highest child wasting rate in the world, standing at 7% during 2018–22, indicating acute undernutrition.
  • The rate of undernourishment in India was 6%, and under-five mortality was 3.1%.
  • The prevalence of anemia in women aged 15-24 was reported at 1%.
  • India’s overall GHI score was 7, categorized as a serious level of hunger.
  • In comparison to neighboring countries, Pakistan (102), Bangladesh (81), Nepal (69th), and Sri Lanka (60) performed better on the index.


Global Scenario:

  • The 2023 GHI score for the world is 3, considered moderate and slightly lower than the world’s 2015 GHI score of 19.1.
  • Since 2017, the prevalence of undernourishment, one of the GHI indicators, has been on the rise, with the number of undernourished people increasing from 572 million to about 735 million.


The Global Hunger Index (GHI) reveals that several factors have contributed to exacerbating social and economic inequalities and reversing efforts to reduce hunger in many countries:

  • Climate Change: Environmental changes, such as droughts, floods, and irregular weather patterns, have disrupted agriculture and food production, leading to food insecurity.
  • Conflicts: Ongoing conflicts and wars in various regions have resulted in the displacement of populations, disrupted supply chains, and hindered access to food and humanitarian aid.
  • Economic Shocks: Economic crises and shocks, including currency devaluation and inflation, have made it difficult for vulnerable populations to afford basic necessities, including food.
  • Global Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has strained healthcare systems, led to job losses, and disrupted food distribution networks, affecting access to food and nutrition.
  • Russia-Ukraine War: The conflict has added to global uncertainties, affecting international trade and potentially leading to higher food prices and supply disruptions.

These factors combined have posed significant challenges to addressing hunger, particularly in vulnerable and marginalized communities.

SOURCE:India ranks 111th on Global Hunger Index 2023; ‘erroneous measure of hunger’, says govt | India News – The Indian Express

Download plutus ias current affairs eng med 14th Oct 2023


Q.1 In the context of child nutrition, what does the term “child wasting” refer to?

(a) A condition where a child is shorter than the average height for their age group.

(b) A condition in which a child has a low weight-for-height ratio due to rapid weight loss.

(c) A condition characterized by a child’s chronic malnutrition and inadequate calorie intake.

(d) A condition that leads to a higher risk of infectious diseases in children.




Q.2 Consider the following statements regarding the Global Hunger Index (GHI):

  1. GHI is calculated based on four primary indicators, including child stunting, undernourishment, child wasting, and child mortality.
  2. A GHI score of 100 indicates the highest level of hunger, while a score of 0 implies no hunger.
  3. According to the 2023 GHI report, India had the highest child wasting rate in the world during 2018–22.

How many of the above statement/s is/are correct? 

(a) Only one 

(b) Only two 

(c) All three 

(d) None




Q.3 Analyzing the Global Hunger Index (GHI) as a critical tool for assessing food security, discuss the specific challenges that India faces in addressing child undernutrition and food insecurity.


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