07 Feb Growth of organic farming
Growth of organic farming- Today Current Affairs
Organic farming is estimated to become 75000 crore Market by 2025. The Indian organic market is expected to grow at an annual rate of more than 20% however India’s share in the global organic market is just 1%.with merely 0.4 % of total agricultural land under organic cultivation the industry has a long journey ahead.
Today Current Affairs
Need of organic farming: The Hindu Analysis
- With the increase in population there is a need two stabilise agriculture production and increase it further in a sustainable manner.
- Green revolution with high input use has reached a plateau and is now sustained with diminishing returns of falling dividends.
- Agrochemicals are neither renewable nor abundant and may also cause heavenly forex in future.
- Organic farming can significantly cut down the cost of production.
- Organic agriculture in India will continue to grow and play a larger part in safely feeding 1.5 billion Indians in 2030.
- FAO suggested that organic agriculture in chances agro ecosystem health including biodiversity biological cycle and soil biological activities.
Advantages of organic farming: The Hindu Analysis
- Organic agriculture contributes to poverty alleviation and food security.
- Increase yields in low input areas.
- Increase small scale farmers income and reduce cost.
- Produce safe and varied food.
- Provide safe ecosystem services and be sustainable in the long term.
- Farmers in India’s poorest region are recording record rice yields growing organically.
Government initiatives to promote organic farming: The Hindu Analysis
- Mission organic value chain development for North East region (MOVCD). The scheme also aims to develop certified organic production in a value chain mode to link cross with consumers and to support the development of the entire value chain.
- Paramparagat krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY): under PKVY, organic farming is promoted through adoption of organic villages by cluster approaches and participatory guarantee system certification. Certification schemes: participatory guarantee system, National programme for organic production, soil health card scheme.
- Agri export policy 2018.
- One district one product
- Prime minister formalisation of micro food processing enterprises.
- Zero budget natural farming.
Challenges: The Hindu Analysis
- The cost of organic food products are relatively high owing to small volumes. According to the Indian council of agricultural research productivity on an average by 6.7 % in the first year and the government needs to have a plan in place to support farmers during the transaction.
- High demand and low supply has further created an inflationary pressure on organic food products.
- Specialised farmer training cost hire processing and inventory holding cost and increased holding cost, logistic and distribution cost to the price of end products.
- The absence of organic food products across all segments in the market is a concern.
Way forward
- Supply demand mismatch can be East fundamentally by making organic production mainstream with location specific hybrid production strategies.
- Investment in achieving operational excellence bi companies will facilitate lowering the cost of organic food products.
- The government must rope in agriculture scientists and international research institutes to develop organic herbicides.
- People across all income groups should have access to organic food.
- In order to sustain consumer trust, maintaining an accurate auditory stream and preventing cross-contamination with conventional goods would be crucial.
Here we mention all information about Growth of organic farming Today Current Affairs.
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