Necessity of the Curbing of Tobacco products through various restrictions and increments of the taxes

Necessity of the Curbing of Tobacco products through various restrictions and increments of the taxes

Necessity of the Curbing of Tobacco products through various restrictions and increments of the taxes – Today Current Affairs

Context : 

For almost two years we have been facing the problems of the corona pandemic and thousands of lives have been lost during this pandemic. But there are many silent killers in the forms of various products available in the market . Government should not only curb these dangerous products for the health but also gradually these products should be banned also . 

Today Current Affairs


In modern days the tradition of tobacco products has been popular for several years . Due to the use of tobacco products , thousands of people have been affected with several health diseases every year . If we calculate scientifically , approximately 1 % of India \’s GDP has to be spent to tackle such types of diseases due to tobacco products . Therefore Governments should strong make an effort to curtail its production and use in the society. The Hindu Analysis.

However , this is not a  communicable disease like SARS-CoV-2, the tobacco epidemic — as the World Health Organization characterizes it. But sometimes, some deaths also occured due to tobacco products . If we increase the prices of tobacco products , it will definitely reduce the use of tobacco products . There is overwhelming consensus within the research community that taxation is one of the most cost-effective measures to reduce demand for tobacco products.

During theUnion Budget 2020-21 , there is no proposal of high increments in the GST for tobacco products . However the price of cigarettes has increased by roughly 5 % . In short , we can say there has not been any proper tax increase on any tobacco products so that its uses in the society  could be curtailed . The reason behind the inefficiency of the government may be due to political pressure . Government could increase the GST on tobacco products in the The Union Budget 2022-23 but the government lost this opportunity . All the institutions related to health sectors expected that in the Union Budget the taxes over tobacco products would be increased but everybody lost their hope.  

In the speech of the Finance Minister during the Budget session  it  was said that ITC stock was stable in contrast to most other stock indices, which were generally moving up and there were no tax hike proposals whatsoever on any tobacco product in this budget . We all know that at an affordable price, these tobacco products can attract new consumers, mainly youth, which would be dangerous for the nation . 

Through the GST council , the tax rate for the tobacco product should be increased so that it could discourage the use of tobacco products. However several other measures are also required to discourage the use of the tobacco product by explaining its bad effects on the health . GST Council meetings must strive to keep public health ahead of the interests of the tobacco industry and significantly increase either the GST rates or the GST compensation cess rates applied on all tobacco products. The aim should be to arrest the increasing affordability of tobacco products in India and also rationalize tobacco taxation under the GST.

Today Current Affairs


As per the above discussion , the Government should think for the nation not for the tobacco industries. Health and education are the two important pillars of the economy of any country and these two pillars are mutually interrelated. Government should focus on these two sectors . Since the consumption of the tobacco products are related with the health issues . Hence government should focus how to curtail the use of tobacco . However government can stop the production of tobacco products but government should ensure the rehabilitation of the employees of these industries .


Here we mention all information about Necessity of the Curbing of Tobacco products through various restrictions and increments of the taxes Today Current Affairs.

Source : The Hindu (Editorial)

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