Plutus IAS 'Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes, 28 Novemebr to 03 December, 2022
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Q1. With Reference to The Association of Southeast Asian Nations consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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Q2. With Reference to the multi-modal logistics park consider the following statements:
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Q3. With Reference the Global Vaccine Market Report 2022 to consider the following statements:
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Q4. With Reference to E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 consider the following statements:
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Q5. With Reference to regulatory framework of SEBI for the online bond platform providers consider the following statements:
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Q6. With Reference Global Carbon Budget 2022 report to consider the following statements:
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Q7. Consider the following statements regarding the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022.
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Q8. Consider the following statements regarding the “Loss and Damage” Fund:
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Q9. Consider the following statements regarding the Kameng Hydropower Project:
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Q10. Consider the following statements in context of National Centre of Excellence for Green Port & Shipping:
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Q11. Consider the following statements regarding the Handbook of Statistics on Indian States:
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Q12. Consider the following statements in context of Baliyatra:
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