What are the various stages involved in undertaking an environmental impact assessment (EIA)? What are the issues? Give suggestions for improvement.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: QuestionsWhat are the various stages involved in undertaking an environmental impact assessment (EIA)? What are the issues? Give suggestions for improvement.
akash deep asked 2 years ago

What are the various stages involved in undertaking an environmental impact assessment (EIA)? What are the issues? Give suggestions for improvement.


Briefly explain the concept of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Discuss the stages involved in the process of EIA.

Delineate few weaknesses in EIA process.

Suggest some measures to improve the functioning.

Conclude by summarizing your arguments.

1 Answers
akash deep answered 2 years ago

UNEP defines Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a tool used to identify the environmental, social and economic impacts of a project prior to decision-making.

The various stages involved in undertaking EIA are_

Screening, to determine which projects or developments require a full or partial impact assessment study.

Scoping, to identify which potential impacts are relevant to assess (based on legislative requirements, international conventions, expert knowledge and public involvement).

To identify alternative solutions that avoid, mitigate or compensate adverse impacts on biodiversity (e.g. finding alternative designs or sites which avoid the impacts, incorporating safeguards in the design of the project, or providing compensation for adverse impacts).

Assessment and evaluation of impacts and development of alternatives, to predict and identify the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, including the detailed elaboration of alternatives.

Reporting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or EIA report, including an Environmental Management Plan (EMP), and a non-technical summary for the general audience.

Review of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), based on the terms of reference (scoping) and public (including authority) participation.

Decision-making on whether to approve the project or not, and under what conditions.

Monitoring, compliance, enforcement, and environmental auditing to check whether the predicted impacts and proposed mitigation measures occur as defined in the EMP.

Limitations to the EIA:

Applicability: There are several projects with significant environmental impacts that are exempted from the notification either because they are not listed in schedule, or their investments are less than what is provided for in the notification.

Composition of expert committees and standards: It is being found that the team formed for conducting EIA studies usually lacks in expertise. There is a lack of exhaustive ecological and socioeconomic indicators for impact assessment.


Independent agency to conduct the EIA.

Compulsory involvement of civil society in the process.

Increasing awareness about the EIA in the society.

Penalty for erring officials.

Thus, it is evident from the above discussion that EIA involves various stages. These stages are infested with various issues, which are needed to be taken care of, to truly implement the EIA in spirit as well as in letter.