09 Dec Russia Ukraine Relations GS – 3 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
Russia Ukraine Relations GS – 3 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS- Today Current Affairs
In the backdrop of the recent tension in the Russia Ukraine border, as reported by a US intelligence report, it could be isolated into a major security crisis for the region. Ukraine has alleged that Russian troops have concentrated on the border and the apprehension of war lurks in europe.
Both Ukraine and Russia have remained a part of erstwhile USSR and their shared Heritage has been exploited for electrical and military purposes. Post USSR disintegration Ukraine has shared its Russian imperial legacy and moved closer to the west.
2014-Ukraine president viktor Yanukovych denied the association agreement with the European union and tried closer ties with Moscow, but this led to the mass protest and ousted him. In response Russia annexed Ukraine crimean Peninsula, fuelling separtist insurgency in eastern Ukraine after criminal annexation both signed a ceasefire agreement at Minsk in 2014 and 2015.
Minsk agreement
Minsk I- Ukraine and Russian backed separatist agreed to a 12 point ceasefire deal in September 2014. The provision included prisoner exchange and the withdrawal of heavy weapons but the agreement broke down with violation on either side.
Minsk 2- To end the fighting in the Rebel regions.
Russian resent over Ukraine: The Hindu Analysis
Cultural ties- Russian President considered Russian and Ukrainian as “one people”.
Influence of the west- 2015 peace deal was violated and the Kremlin Has accused that the west has failed to encourage to ukraines compliances.
Affinity with US and NATO-Ukraine aspiration to join NATO representation right line for Moscow.
The cornerstone of incomplete Russian Ukraine is insufficient communication. The current military build up can be viewed as a display of a powerful and capable Russia and it might entail repercussions from the international community, so it will be pragmatic if the Russian President demonstrates diplomatic skill not to indulge in another geopolitical endeavour.
Way forward
Ukraine and Russia need support from global community but not in a military form
Constructive dialogue should be gained among the stakeholders.
To seek a peaceful resolution to the Russia-ukraine conflict.
Minsk agreement should be implemented in letter and spirit.
Negotiation should be followed up with Mutual consensus and possible compromises as well as mediations..
Here we mention all details about Russia Ukraine Relations GS – 3 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Today Current Affairs. The Hindu Analysis.
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