Sagar Parikrama Yatra

Sagar Parikrama Yatra

Sagar Parikrama Yatra

This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and the topic details “Sagar Parikrama Yatra”. The topic “Sagar Parikrama Yatra” has relevance in the Economy section for the UPSC CSE exam.

Relevance of the topic “Sagar Parikrama Yatra”

For Prelims:
What is Sagar Parikrama Yatra?

For Mains:
GS 3: Economy
What is the significance of the fisheries sector in India?
Way Forward

Why in the news?

Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Shri Parshottam Rupala launches Sagar Parikrama Yatra Phase-V.

What is Sagar Parikrama Yatra?

The program entails a navigational expedition that will traverse across all coastal states and union territories, following a predetermined sea route. Its primary objective is to showcase solidarity with fisherfolk, fish farmers, and other stakeholders associated with the fisheries sector.

Sagar Parikrama Yatra aims to resolve the issues of the fishermen and stakeholders and for their economic upliftment

The main objectives of the program are to disseminate information about various fisheries-related schemes and programs, promote responsible fisheries with a focus on sustainable balance, and protection of marine ecosystems.

What is the significance of the fisheries sector in India?

The fisheries sector holds significant importance in India for several reasons:

  1. Food Security: Fisheries contribute significantly to the country’s food security by providing a substantial portion of the animal protein in the diet of many Indians. It serves as a vital source of affordable and nutritious food, especially for coastal communities.
  2. Livelihood and Employment: The fisheries sector is a major source of livelihood and employment, particularly for coastal communities and those residing near inland water bodies. It supports the livelihoods of millions of fishers, fish farmers, and individuals engaged in ancillary activities such as processing, trading, and transportation.
  3. Economic Contribution: Fisheries contribute to India’s economy by generating revenue through export of seafood products. India is one of the world’s largest exporters of seafood, and the sector plays a crucial role in earning foreign exchange.
  4. Rural Development: The fisheries sector plays a key role in rural development by fostering economic growth and reducing poverty in coastal and rural areas. It helps in the upliftment of communities by providing income-generating opportunities and supporting local economic activities.
  5. Ecological Balance: The fisheries sector contributes to maintaining the ecological balance of aquatic ecosystems. Sustainable fishing practices, conservation efforts, and protection of marine habitats are essential to preserve biodiversity and ensure the long-term viability of fishery resources.
  6. Blue Economy Potential: India has a vast coastline, numerous rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, offering significant potential for the development of a robust blue economy. The fisheries sector, along with related activities like aquaculture, mariculture, and seafood processing, contributes to the growth of the blue economy, promoting sustainable economic development and innovation.

Given these factors, the fisheries sector in India plays a crucial role in ensuring food security, livelihoods, economic growth, rural development, and ecological sustainability.

Plutus IAS current affairs eng med 18th may 2023


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