24 Dec Significance of Myanmar Government for India : India Seeks early return of democracy (GS Paper II) (Source : The Hindu )
Significance of Myanmar Government for India : India Seeks early return of democracy- Today Current Affairs
Context : Indian Foreign secretary Harshvardhan Shringla meets Junta leader Min Aung Hlaing and Indicates that India can mediate . He advocated the support of India regarding installation of democracy
Introduction :
Myanmar is a neighboring country of India and strategically it is the important country for
India’s perspective. In the Indian ocean it is one of the most reliable countries in the context of India . Myanmar is the gaitway for the trade with southeast Asan countries and If India has good relations with Maynmanr , It could prevent China from the eastern side of Indian ocean. Indians know very well that China is continuously increasing its influence over Myanmar through giving loans and creating disturbance in Myanmar , therefore India seeks the establishment of peace in Myanmar . Peaceful and prosper and stable Maynmar would beneficial for India
History of Myanmar : The Hindu Analysis
Myanmar is the largest country in mainland SouthEast Asia . Myanmar was colonized by the British and after the government of India Act 1935 , Myanmar was detached from India and became a separate colony of the British . After the independence of India in 1948, it became liberated from Britain and the power was transferred to General Aung San of the National Army. Since it had been the colony of British definitely they were aware regarding democratic elements so they declared themself as a democracy
History of Military rule in Myanmar- Today Current Affairs
The democracy in Myanmar could not survive for a long time because of the foreign intervention . The first time military rule came into existence was in Myanmar in 1958 but direct military rule also started in Myanmar through a coup d’etat in 1962 . After 1962 , the entire power transferred to military and human right of Myanmar people were violated and this lasted up to 2011. It means that this military rule was definitely supported by China, directly and indirectly
Burma Socialist Programme Party decreed its dictatorship for 26 years and this pary claimed that this dictatorship was necessary to prevent Myanmar from disintegration . This was a type of constitutional dictatorship . In 2011 military junta was officially dissolved and fresh election was conducted and a nominally civilian government was installed.In Feb 2021 . The Tatmadaw (This is the official name of the armed force of Myanmar) detained all government officials including state counselor Aung San Suu ki and president Win Myint and in this way Burma’s Commander-in-chief of the armed forces, mal ma aye loe,became the head of the state
Significance of Meet of Shringla with Junta Leader Min Aung Hlaing : Today Current Affairs
During the visit of our foreign secretary with chairman state administrative council Min Aung Hlaing who has been internationally isolated because of the violence crackdown on protesting citizens . Our foreign secretary emphasis india’s interest in seeking Myanmar return to democracy at the earliest, release of detainees and prisoners , resolution of issues through dialogue and complete cessation of all violation
But it is surprising that Shringla did not meet with Suu Ki , Even though he wanted to meet Suu ki but Junta did not give permission for that . Our foreign secretary also met with pro military Union Solidarity and development party’s representatives. The Hindu Analysis.
The Indian emphasized its problem of illegal trade of drugs , insurgency from the border of Myanmar . India sharesed 1700 km long border with Myanmar that runs along Arunachal , manipur , nagaland and Mizoram . He raised the issue of recent killing of the commanding officer of Assam Rifles along with his wife in an ambush by militants in Manipur . Therefore stability and peace is much required in Myanmar for India . He also emphasized that during the last 10 month the mobility of arms and ammunition inside Myanmar had increased which would influence India;s security.
This visit of India’s foreign secretary in myanmar has much significant visit because , we seek stable Myanmar and democratic Myanmar so that , the insurgency and illegal activities form the side of Myanmar could be curtailed.
Here, we mention all information about Significance of Myanmar Government for India : India Seeks early return of democracy. The Hindu Analysis.
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