Simultaneous Elections: A Catalyst for Growth or Challenge to Federal Autonomy?

Simultaneous Elections: A Catalyst for Growth or Challenge to Federal Autonomy?


This article covers “Daily Current Affairs” and topic details of the Simultaneous Elections: Catalyst for Growth or Challenge to Federal Autonomy?

Syllabus mapping:

GS-2: Indian polity: Election and related reforms.

For Prelims:

Election-related provisions, Representation of the people Act 1951, MCC, amendment provisions.

For Mains:

What are the simultaneous elections implications, advantages, and ways to balance federal features with simultaneous elections?

Why in the News?

The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the recommendations made by the High-Level Committee on Simultaneous Elections, which was chaired by former President Shri Ram Nath Kovind.


Definition: Simultaneous election means holding the elections of the state legislature, local body, and general elections together.
International practice: In parliamentary democracies such as South Africa, Sweden, and Germany, fixed tenures for legislatures facilitate organized electoral processes.
History of Simultaneous Elections in India: The concept of simultaneous elections originated with the first general elections in 1951-52 when Lok Sabha elections coincided with all Vidhan Sabha polls. This practice lasted until 1967 when hung assemblies broke the trend.

High-Level Committee:

Formation: The government in 2023 had established an eight-member high-level committee to evaluate the “One Nation, One Election” proposal, chaired by former President Ram Nath Kovind.
Purpose: The committee assessed the feasibility of simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha, State Legislative Assemblies, municipalities, and panchayats within the constitutional framework. It determines if any constitutional amendments need state ratification and suggests a synchronization framework, including phases and timelines. Additionally, the committee will evaluate the logistical and manpower requirements, such as EVMs and VVPATs.

Recommendations of the High-Level Committee:

Law Commission Proposal: The 170th report (1999) suggested one election for the Lok Sabha and all Legislative Assemblies every five years.
Parliamentary Committee Suggestion: The 79th Report (2015) recommended methods for implementing simultaneous elections in two phases.
Stakeholder Consultation: The High-Level Committee, chaired by Shri Ram Nath Kovind, engaged with a diverse range of stakeholders, including political parties and experts, and found widespread support for simultaneous elections.
Implementation in Two Phases:
First Phase: Conduct simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies.
Second Phase: Hold local body elections (panchayats and municipalities) within 100 days after the general elections.
Common Electoral Roll: Establish a unified electoral roll for all elections.


1. Cost Efficiency: In 2019, conducting Lok Sabha elections cost approximately ₹4,000 crore. Political parties typically incur even higher costs. Holding simultaneous elections could greatly lower these expenditures.
2. Governance and Policy Making: Frequent State elections (5-6 annually) keep political parties and Ministers in constant campaign mode, disrupting effective governance.
3. Administrative Efficiency: Election periods strain administrative resources as the focus shifts to conducting elections, often withdrawing paramilitary forces from their duties. This cycle reduces overall administrative efficiency.
4. Voter Engagement: simplifying the electoral calendar will reduce the voter fatigue leading to high voter turnout.
5. Political Stability: Aligns the electoral cycles, reducing the frequency of political campaigning and enhancing governance.
6. Social cohesion: Continuous political campaigns always keep the heated environment in society due to politics of opportunism, this will reduce and social harmony will be maintained.
7. Developmental process: The Model Code of Conduct restricts new initiatives for 45-60 days, hindering development. This would be reduced in the simultaneous elections.
8. Developed India by 2047: The Union minister mentioned that this move will help the overall development and growth of the nation as many developed countries are implementing simultaneous elections.


Federal Concerns: India’s federal structure means States have unique issues. Simultaneous elections could overshadow regional concerns with national issues,
Suppression of regional parties: Regional parties are the backbone of India’s political system and keeping this system alive however, this move will favor larger political parties and undermine the federal spirit enshrined in the Constitution.
Constitutional Amendments: Implementing simultaneous elections would necessitate amending several constitutional provisions including Articles 83, 85, 172, 174, and 356.
Feedback Mechanism: Elections provide critical feedback for governments. Holding them only every five years could hinder timely governmental responsiveness to public needs.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Assessing the financial implications for the largest democracy can be complex.
Reduced Government Accountability: Longer election cycles may diminish the government’s responsiveness to public concerns.
Overlooking Local Issues: National topics may overshadow regional concerns, sidelining local governance.
Impact on Intra-Party Politics: The dynamics within political parties could be affected in the long run.
Marginalization of Women’s Voices: Women’s representation and issues may be inadequately addressed in the electoral process.


1. Building Consensus: Building a consensus among all political parties is essential for the successful implementation of simultaneous elections.
2. Stakeholder Discussions: Engaging in stakeholder discussions, including input from the Election Commission and opposition parties, is crucial for shaping the proposal.
3. Women’s Representation: The Women’s Reservation Act can be implemented before this proposal so the issues of women will get the attention
4. Regional Party Concerns: It is important to acknowledge and address the concerns of regional parties to ensure their voices are heard in the decision-making process.
5. Staggered Elections: Conduct Lok Sabha elections in one cycle and hold all State assembly elections two and a half years later. This would create a rhythm to the electoral process while addressing regional concerns.
6. Alternative Government Formation: Implement recommendations to allow for the formation of an alternative government in the event of a no-confidence motion, ensuring the newly constituted House serves only the remainder of the previous term if dissolved prematurely.
7. Annual Bye-Elections: Club bye-elections due to vacancies and conduct them once a year to maintain continuity in representation.


The idea of simultaneous elections is a positive step towards achieving a developed India. However, it is essential to strike a balance between regional concerns and ensure that all stakeholders are included in the discussion. By taking diverse perspectives into account, we can effectively work towards the intended objectives of simultaneous elections and foster a more inclusive political environment.

Prelims Question:

Q. Consider the following statements:
Statement-I: The one nation one election principle needs approval from all the states and Union Territories legislature with a simple majority.
Statement-II: The constitution of India mandated that amendments affecting the federal provisions must be approved by the state legislatures.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
A. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation for Statement I
B. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is not the correct explanation for Statement I
C. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct


Mains Question:

Examine the need for the electoral reforms suggested by the various committees with particular reference to the “one nation one election” principle. (Answer in 150 words)


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