20 Oct Sunanda Khajuria and Gouri Vemula : An Artist of Marginal People (GS Paper I : Art and Culture )
Recently Sunanda Khajuria and Gouri Vemula presented their art work in an exhibition appropriately titled “Liminal Worlds”. This artwork is dedicated to the women of the marginal region
Sunanada Khajuria
Jammu Based Artist born in 1979. She did her masters from Delhi University and did research at China Academy of Fine Art . During her research he learnt Chinese culture and traditional Chinese Art . She is now internationally recognised artist Her works are very well recognised in many countries like Australia, Italy , China and Russia
Gouri Vemula
Hyderabad Based Gouri Vemula was born in 1972 . She did her graduation from Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and fine Art university, Hyderabad and masters from Sarojini Naidu School of Art, Hyderabad . She is also well known artist of India
Her work is enriched by using of drypoint technique as well as pen and ink drawing
Works of Sunanda Khajuria and Gouri Vemula
Generally both used pen and ink for drawing .
Both used generally monochromatic pen
The subject of both artist is related to the women of marginal regions
Title of their work is “Liminal Worlds”,
There is some distinguishable difference between the artworks of the Khajuria and Vemula . One side Vemula populates his works with the drawing of animals and beasts while Khajuria used Chinese tradition with the mixing of Indian Tradition
Because of the influence of the Chinese tradition of art The works of Khajuria reflect her close relationship with nature.
Among her important works are Sunanda Khajuria, Waiting Room (2015) & The End and the Beginning. In the Waiting Room, we see that there is a woman depicted on canvas and she is integrating with a bird . The birds floating on the canvas are described as “talismans imbued with mysterious symbolic meaning” and in her work The End and the Beginning.we see there is a masked man who is thinking about his future . In Fact this shows the situation of humans in corona period who are uncertain for their future
Generally there are two types of world: inner world and outer world. The inner world is everything that happens in our minds, such as our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, etc. Her inspiration of the work is her inner world Therefore in her work we see the human emotions and the feelings
Inspiration of the Vemula is deep forest and conjures a fantasy world where nature and urban spaces as well as the real and the imagined coexist. Since She has been related with a tribe so she has depicted the emotions of the tribal people
“Gouri draws from indigenous classical and popular traditions of Indian iconography, creating imagined landscapes where gods, humans and nature coexist in a tempestuous cosmic play.”
There couldn’t have been a better phrase than ‘Kaagitham kalam and sera’ to describe the simplicity of Gouri Vemula’s art series
The works of these artisans are definitely commendable. They had depicted the emotions of the people on canvas and through their art they esplanade the pathetic condition of the marginal women and the man who are victimised of this corona pandemic
plutus ias daily current affairs 20 Oct 2021
Plutus IAS Current Affair Team Member
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