The GST Council has formed a GoM to review the tax rate on health and life insurance.

The GST Council has formed a GoM to review the tax rate on health and life insurance.

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GS-3 Economic-The GST Council has formed a GoM to review the tax rate on health and life insurance.


The GST Council has formed a Group of Ministers (GoM) to review the tax rates on health and life insurance. Discuss the objectives and potential implications of this review?


The GST Council has formed a Group of Ministers (GoM) to review the tax rates on health and life insurance. Discuss the objectives of this review and analyze the potential impact of any changes in GST rates on stakeholders such as consumers, insurance companies, and the government. What factors should the GoM consider in its evaluation?


On September 15, 2024, the GST Council made a pivotal decision to form a Group of Ministers (GoM) tasked with reviewing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rates on health and life insurance. This development has sparked significant discussion among stakeholders and policymakers, highlighting the growing need to address the challenges faced by the insurance sector and its impact on consumers. This article explores the context of this decision, the objectives of the GoM review, the current GST framework for insurance, and the potential implications of changes in tax rates.

Context of the Decision

The decision to form a GoM comes at a crucial juncture for India’s insurance sector. Over the years, both health and life insurance have become essential components of financial planning and risk management for millions of Indians. However, the high GST rates on these services have been a contentious issue, with critics arguing that they contribute to the rising cost of premiums and limit access to insurance coverage.

In recent months, several reports and surveys have highlighted the growing dissatisfaction among consumers and industry players regarding the current GST structure. The insurance sector has been particularly vocal about the need for a reassessment of tax rates, citing the challenges posed by high GST on health insurance and the relatively lower rates for life insurance. This review is expected to address these concerns and potentially lead to adjustments in tax policy that could impact both consumers and the industry.

Objectives of the GoM Review

  1. Assessing Affordability: One of the main goals is to evaluate the impact of GST rates on the affordability of health and life insurance. With health insurance premiums subject to an 18% GST rate and life insurance at 12%, the review aims to determine whether these rates are hindering access to insurance and whether a reduction could make coverage more affordable for consumers.
  2. Addressing Industry Concerns: The insurance industry has expressed concerns about the high GST rates, particularly for health insurance. The GoM will consider these concerns and assess how current rates affect the financial stability and operational efficiency of insurance companies.
  3. Revenue Considerations: Any proposed changes to GST rates must balance the need to make insurance more affordable with the need to maintain adequate revenue for the central and state governments. The GoM will need to evaluate the potential revenue implications of adjusting GST rates and explore ways to mitigate any shortfall.
  4. Consumer Protection: Ensuring that consumers receive value for money is a key consideration. The GoM will assess how changes in GST rates could impact consumer protection and the overall affordability of insurance products.

Current GST Framework for Insurance

  1. Health Insurance: Health insurance premiums are taxed at 18%. This rate has been criticized for being high, considering the essential nature of health coverage and the rising costs of healthcare. High GST rates contribute to increased premium costs, which can be a barrier for many individuals seeking health insurance
  2. Life Insurance: Life insurance premiums are taxed at a lower rate of 12%. While this rate is lower than that for health insurance, it has also faced criticism. The life insurance sector argues that even this lower rate does not adequately support the sector’s sustainability and growth.

The GST rates were implemented as part of a broader tax reform aimed at simplifying the tax structure and increasing revenue. However, the effectiveness of these rates in achieving their intended objectives has been questioned, leading to the current review.

Potential Implications of Rate Changes

  1. Impact on Consumers
    i).Affordability: Reducing GST rates on health and life insurance could lead to lower premiums, making insurance more affordable for a larger segment of the population. This is particularly important for health insurance, where high premiums can deter individuals from purchasing coverage.
    ii).Increased Coverage: Lower premiums may encourage more people to obtain insurance coverage, potentially leading to higher penetration rates. This could have positive implications for public health and financial security.
    iii).Consumer Behavior: Changes in GST rates could influence consumer behavior, with potential shifts in the types of insurance products purchased and the frequency of policy renewals.
  2. Impact on Insurance Companies
     i).Financial Stability: For insurance companies, particularly those operating in the health sector, a reduction in GST rates could improve financial stability. Lower tax rates may reduce operational costs and allow companies to offer more competitive premiums.
    ii).Market Dynamics: Adjustments in GST rates could affect market dynamics, including pricing strategies and competition among insurers. Companies may need to adapt their strategies to align with new tax policies.
    iii).Operational Adjustments: Insurance companies will need to manage the operational aspects of implementing new GST rates, including updating systems and processes to reflect changes in tax rates.
  3. Impact on Government Revenue
    i).Revenue Impact: Reducing GST rates could result in decreased revenue for both central and state governments. The GoM must assess the potential revenue shortfall and explore alternative sources or compensatory measures to address the gap.
    ii).Fiscal Balance: Maintaining fiscal balance is crucial. The government must ensure that any changes in GST rates do not adversely affect its ability to fund essential services and programs.

Factors for the GoM to Consider

  1. Stakeholder Consultation
    i).Insurance Companies: Input from insurers will provide insights into the financial impact of GST rates and operational challenges.
    ii).Consumer Groups: Feedback from consumer advocacy groups will help understand the implications of tax rates on affordability and access.
    iii).Industry Experts: Experts can provide a broader perspective on the impact of GST rates on the insurance market and the economy.
  2. Economic Impact Analysis
    i).Effect on Premiums: How different GST rates would affect insurance premiums and overall affordability.
    ii).Market Reactions: Potential changes in consumer behavior and market dynamics in response to revised GST rates.
    iii).Revenue Implications: The financial impact on government revenue and potential compensatory measures.
  3. Implementation and Compliance
    i).Administrative Changes: Updating tax rules and ensuring compliance with new rates.
    ii).Transition Period: A phased approach may be necessary to manage the transition and minimize disruption.
  4. Long-Term Sustainability
    i).Sector Stability: Ensuring that changes support the financial stability of the insurance sector.
    ii).Consumer Protection: Maintaining protections for consumers while ensuring affordability.

Current News and Developments

  1. Industry Reactions
    In recent weeks, insurance companies have intensified their calls for a review of GST rates. Industry leaders have argued that the high GST on health insurance is a significant barrier to access, particularly for lower-income individuals. They have also highlighted the need for a more balanced approach to tax rates that supports both consumers and the industry.
  2. Government Stance
    The government’s decision to form the GoM reflects its recognition of the concerns raised by the insurance sector and consumer groups. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has emphasized the need for a balanced approach that considers the interests of all stakeholders.
  3. Public Debate
    The issue of GST rates on insurance has been a topic of public debate, with various media outlets and policymakers weighing in on the potential benefits and drawbacks of rate changes. Public opinion is divided, with some advocating for lower GST rates to enhance affordability, while others caution against potential revenue losses.


The formation of the Group of Ministers (GoM) by the GST Council to review the tax rates on health and life insurance is a significant development in the ongoing discourse on tax policy and insurance affordability. The GoM’s review will address key concerns related to the impact of GST rates on consumers, the insurance industry, and government revenue.

As the GoM undertakes this review, it will need to carefully balance the need to make insurance more affordable with the necessity of maintaining adequate revenue for government functions. Engaging with stakeholders, conducting thorough economic impact analyses, and considering practical implementation challenges will be crucial in shaping effective and sustainable tax policies.


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Q.The GST Council has recently formed a Group of Ministers (GoM) to review the tax rates on health and life insurance. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding this GoM?

1.The GoM is responsible for reviewing the GST rates on both health and life insurance.

2.The GoM is chaired by the Union Finance Minister.

3.The objective of the GoM is to assess the impact of GST rates on the affordability and accessibility of insurance.


A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 2 and 3 only

Answer: C


Q.Analyze the reasons behind this review and discuss the potential implications for various stakeholders, including consumers, insurance companies, and the government. What factors should the GoM consider to ensure that any adjustments in GST rates are balanced and effective?(150words)


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