UNESCO recognizes Kozhikode as the City of Literature

UNESCO recognizes Kozhikode as the City of Literature

( This article is related to the section ‘ Indian History, Art & Culture, Indian Literature ’  of UPSC Civil Services Mains General Studies Paper – 1 and ‘ Kozhikode city of Kerala, City of Literature, UNESCO Creative City Network, Kundalatha ’ of UPSC Preliminary Exam. It also includes suggestions from the PLUTUS IAS Team. This article is related to UNESCO recognizes Kozhikode as City of Literature under Daily Current Affairs ’ .)


Why in the News ?  



  • Recently UNESCO included the Kerala city of Kozhikode under the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) recognized as ‘City of Literature’.





UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is a specialized organization of the United Nations aimed at promoting peace and security throughout the world. 

  • It promotes international cooperation in education, arts, science and culture.
  • UNESCO’s purpose is to encourage international cooperation in education, arts, science and culture to promote world peace and security. 
  • It promotes sharing of knowledge and free flow of ideas so that we can get better information about each other’s life. 
  • UNESCO programs help the United Nations achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda authorized by the General Assembly in 2015.


UNESCO Creative Cities Network : 


  • The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) aims to provide support to creative cities around the world as well as promote their cultural and economic development.
  • UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was established in 2004.
  • The network covers seven creative sectors covering cities. Which are as follows – 
  1. Crafts and Folk Arts: It includes local arts, crafts, folklore, and tribal arts.
  2. Design : Design, fashion, graphics, and other creative arts are included.
  3. Movie : This category includes cinema, documentary, and other film styles or genres.
  4. Gastronomy : The culinary arts category includes the culture of food and drink, especially the creation and presentation of special dishes.
  5. Materials : The category of literature under the Creative Cities Network by UNESCO includes languages, literature, folklore and other written literary genres.
  6. Media Arts : under this category Including television, radio, digital media, and other media formats.
  7. Music : Music, singing, instruments, and other music related styles are included under this category.
  • The network promotes cultural exchange and cooperation through an annual conference between mayors of different cities and other stakeholders. 
  • In the year 2024, this conference will be held in Braga, Portugal in the month of July.


The main objectives of UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN):


  • UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) includes 350 cities in the year 2024.  
  • The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) is an international recognition that aims to lead cities to prosperity through the development of cultural and creative industries. 
  • One of the main objectives of UCCN is to be dedicated to promoting creativity in local communities. 
  • It helps cities to safeguard their local cultural heritage and promote their creative industries.
  • In addition, UCCN also seeks to promote international cooperation between cities. 
  • It provides cities with a medium to broadcast their creative products around the world and gives them the opportunity to become strongly connected on an international level.
  • Kozhikode, Kerala has been recognized as “City of Literature” by UCCN. This is an important event, as the city is renowned for its literary and creative heritage and has now gained global recognition.


Which cities of India are included in UCCN?



The following cities are included under UCCN in India – 

  1. Kozhikode : Many prominent personalities of Kerala’s literary and cultural world, major media houses, and numerous libraries (more than 500) are present here. Moreover, over the years many films have been made here and theater professionals have made their mark. The first Malayalam novel “Kundalatha” was composed by Appu Nedungadi in Kozhikode in the year 1887. Poets, scholars and publishers here have contributed to Malayalam literature and cultural diversity.
  2. Jaipur : It is involved in the field of crafts and folk art. (2015)
  3. Varanasi : It is included as a Creative City of Music. (2015)
  4. Chennai : It is included as Creative City of Music. (2017)
  5. Mumbai : It is included in the field of film. (2019)
  6. Hyderabad: It is involved in the field of culinary arts. (2019)
  7. Srinagar : It is involved in the field of crafts and folk art. (2021)


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Practice Questions for Preliminary Exam : 


Q.1. Manuscripts of which famous works of India have been included in the Memory of the World Register by UNESCO? (UPSC-2018) 

A. Ramcharit Manas 

B. Mahabharata 

C. Samveda

D. Rigveda 



Practice Questions for Main Exam : 


Q.1. What do you understand about the UNESCO Creative Cities Network? Underlining the main objectives of UNESCO Creative Cities Network, discuss in detail the names of major cities of India included in different categories in this network and their importance. (Word limit – 250 marks – 15) 

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