09 Jun Uniform Civil Code : An analysis in context to its future
Uniform Civil Code : An analysis in context to its future – Today Current Affairs
Uniform Civil Code : An analysis in context to its future Uniform Civil Code : An analysis in context to its future
Context : Recently the government of Uttarakhant constituted a panel to enquire about the possibilities of the implementation of common civil code in the state and this committee is also asked to prepare a draft in this regard .
Today Current Affairs
The issue of UCC (Uniform Civil code) has been the agenda of BJP for a long time and all the states ruled by the BJP are supporters of the implementation of the Uniform civil Code . However many Muslims Ulema have been opposing this UCC for long time also because they argue that , in civil affairs nothing can be accepted against the Muslim personal Laws (Laws based on Saria) . However the subject of UCC exists in our constitution in Directive Principles of State Policy .It means , the state should work in framing the UCC gradually . But some time UCC contradicts with the right of religious practice also (Fundamental right )
Opposition to UCC : The Hindu Analysis
- Muslim religious priest have been protesting against UCC for long time. Through various means the Muslims have shown their agitation against the UCC to the government . All India Muslim personal law board has also already shown its opposing view to the government . Besides this board , many other institutions related to Islamic culture in India have shown their discontent against UCC
- Actually the creation of the AIMPLB in 1973 was the result of the fear among Muslims. They feared that the Indian government could impose new laws against the sharia laws through parliamentary position. Therefore the Muslims of the Deoband under the leadership of Muhammad Taiyab initiated the concept of AIMPLB. Actually a bill was introduced by the law minister in 1973. And it was understood that this bill was the precursor of the UCC. The Hindu Analysis
- However when Hindu code bill passed the rightist of Hindu community also sought against the Hindu code bill or in the favor of UCC. The rightist argued that either UCC should be implemented or Hindu code bill should be repealed . Ex Prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee also favored UCC and emphasized on national debate on UCC . For the progressive society , he favored the UCC. But the restoration of the old days religious practices or marriage system even in Hinduism is not rational also. Ex PM Narasimha Rao argued that the age-old tradition of marriages between uncles and nieces among Hindus in Andhra Pradesh. Should this practice be restored in Andhra . No. Narasimha Rao sh argued that , for the progressive society, progressive value system and rituals should be opted by all the religious communities . Since Hindu are more literate so they can understand the liberal and progressive elements of the religion so Hindu code bill is right to implement but UCC should be implemented after taking Muslims in confidence . Moreover, Flavia Agnes and other feminists have recognized many anti-women biases in the Hindu Code Bill, which are not adequately brought forward in Indian public debate. This has resulted in the public perception that Muslim personal laws alone need reform.
Today Current Affairs
As per the above discussion, the UCC is necessary for the country but it should not be implemented suddenly. Gradually it should be implemented . Indian parliament has already passed triple talaq and similarly some reformative rules must be passed by the parliament for the Muslims separately . In this way , the path of the UCC would be automatically paved. Once the reformative rules would be passed by the parliaments all the obstacles of the UCC would also be eliminated and the criticism of the UCC would lose its significance automatically
Source : The Hindu
GS paper II
Plutus IAS Current Affairs Eng Med 9th June
Plutus IAS Current Affairs Team Member
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