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Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes, 26 Feb to 02 March, 2024
1 / 10
Q.1. Which of the following is associated with Garbhini-GA2?
2 / 10
Q.2. Consider the following sentence about Amrit Bharat Station Scheme:
How many of the above statements are correct?
3 / 10
Q.3. Panda Diplomacy associated with which of the following countries?
4 / 10
Q.4. Consider the following statements about Gaganyaan Mission:
5 / 10
Q.5. Consider the following statements about Exercise Dharma Guardian:
6 / 10
Q.6. Recently, the Panama Canal was seen in the news. Which of the following Panama Canal connects?
7 / 10
Q.7. Consider the following statement about Guinea Worm disease:
8 / 10
Q.8. Consider the following statements about NB8:
9 / 10
Q.9. Recently, which of the following ministries or bodies has released the report titled “The Indian Economy: A Review”?
10 / 10
Q.10. Consider the following statements about ‘SARATHI Portal’:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
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