27 Feb Black Necked Crane
(General Studies paper- 3, Ecology
Source- The Hindu
Recently a group of Buddhist monks in Tawang district has opposed the Arunachal Pradesh government’s renewed push for hydropower projects.
About the Black Necked Cranes-
- Both the sexes are almost of the same size but male is slightly bigger than female.
- The upper long neck, head primarily and secondary flight feathers and tail are completely black and body plumage is pale gray
- A conspicuous red crown adorns the head
Habitat and Breeding Ground-
- The high altitude wetland of the Tibetan plateau, Sichuan and eastern Ladakh are the main breeding ground of the species, the birds spend winter at lower altitudes.
- In Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh , it only comes during winters.
- In Arunachal Pradesh, it can be seen in three areas-
Sangti Valley in West Kameng district
Zemithang in Tawang district
Chug valley in Tawang district
Protection Status-
IUCN Red list- Near Threatened
Cites- Appendix-1
Indian Wildlife( Protection) Act- 1972
- Damage to the eggs and chicks
- Loss of Habitat
-Khyati Khare
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