Anti Microbial Resistance

Anti Microbial Resistance

Anti Microbial Resistance

Relevance for Prelims: AMR (Anti Microbial Resistance), Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Relevance for Mains: Causes and concerns associated with AMR, Steps taken by the government to tackle AMR

Why in News?

The World Health Organisation has declared AMR among the top 10 threats to the world.

About Anti-Microbial resistance

Anti-Microbial Resistance occurs when bacteria, fungi, virus, and parasites do not respond to medicines which make infections difficult to treat. The microorganisms develop resistance to the drugs. Recently, WHO declared AMR as a continuing pandemic that required multi-sectoral action to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.


  • The tendency to self-medicate and creating own concoction and the easy availability of over-the-counter medications have increased the likelihood of being diagnosed with AMR.
  • Many years of hard work in creating vaccines and medications have gone to wane as microorganisms have developed a resistance to them.
  • It might postpone the achievement target of Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Failure of antibiotics has led to increasing in death from diseases like Tuberculosis and Sepsis which are easily preventable.
Anti Microbial Resistance

How AMR Spreads


  • Chennai Declaration is a set of national recommendations to promote antibiotic stewardship.
  • Red-Line campaign in India to create awareness among citizens to easily identify prescription drugs.
  • FSSAI has recently banned the use of antibiotics in fisheries. The same has been done with cattle to decrease the use of antibiotics.
  • Global Action Plan was formulated under the UN General Assembly which mandates a national plan on AMR.
  • Global Anti-microbial resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS) was brought by WHO which progressively uses data for surveillance of AMR in humans, castles, etc.

The WHO has identified AMR in the top 10 global threats to health. There is a dire need for a One Health Approach in which multi-sectoral actions and targets can be integrated.


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