Delimitation Commission for the Jammu Kashmir : A need for balanced delimitation ensuring the participation of all the section , mainly tribals and women

Delimitation Commission for the Jammu Kashmir : A need for balanced delimitation ensuring the participation of all the section , mainly tribals and women

Delimitation Commission for the Jammu Kashmi- Today Current Affairs

Context : The Jammu and Kashmir Delimitation Commission has recently shared its interim report with the five associate members, the elected Members of Parliament from the erstwhile State. The provisions of the delimitation commission is also not free from the shortcomings 

Today Current Affairs


After the dilution of the article 370 of the Indian constitution , the Indian government is making plans for the elections in Jammu and Kashmir. A delimitation commission was constituted in Aug in 2019 . Recently this commission shared its interim report to the central government . 

In fact, in democratic state, it is the duty of the state to ensure the participation of all the sections(social , economic , religious, gender) in the Franchise. Therefore some issues are raised after the report of delimitation commission 

What is delimitation commission : The Hindu Analysis

Delimitation commission was constituted to reorganize the boundaries for the constituencies (Assembly and Lok Sabha ). It is a non constitutional body.  In India, such Delimitation Commissions have been constituted 4 times – in 1952 , 1962, 1973 and in 2002. The Delimitation Commission in India is a high power body whose orders have the force of law and cannot be called in question before any court. 

Provisions of the Delimitation Commission for the Jammu Kashmir : The Hindu Analysis

  • Reservation of nine seats for Scheduled Tribes (ST) for first time 
  • Reservation of  seven seats for Scheduled Castes (SCs)

But these provisions are facing some criticism from various groups because in this report the rights to four communities (the Gujjars, Bakarwals, Gaddis and Sippis) of J & K which have been guaranteed by the Article 332 post-1991 are curtailed. There was nothing in the Art 370 through which the rights of these communities could be stopped but because of the lack of political will of the J & k leaders the rights could not be given to thee community 

Although before the dilution of 370. The reservation for the St community was not there but still some communities like Gujjar people won the election of 2014. Therefore the reservation for the St community would not strengthen any political status of the STs in Jammu region . Today Current Affairs.

The interim report has reserved six out of the nine ST seats within the twin districts of Rajouri and Poonch which constitute 32.06% of the total ST population. Remaining population of STs is residing outside of these district therefore majority of the STs would not be benefited 

Today Current Affairs

There are some marginal tribes (Bakarwals, Gaddis and Sippis) also which should be given appropriate representation . But these marginal tribes could get representation if the powerful Gujjar would support these tribes. The reservation for the women should also be proposed because without the strengthened women the state could not progress inclusively . Women have to play a major role in tribal politics, and their participation and leadership has to be made feasible and suitably promoted. They have proven their leadership in the District Development Council (DDC) elections, and it needs to be strengthened further.

Conclusion : 

Even though several provisions of this delimitation commission constituted for the Jammu and Kashmir is appreciable but government should ensure to provide maximum participation of all the sections of the society so that Ja and k could progress inclusively . 


In this article we mention all information about Delimitation Commission for the Jammu Kashmi Today Current Affairs.


GS Paper I

Source : The Hindu (Editorial)

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