20 Feb Extending of The legal Shield to the Women
Extending of The legal Shield to the Women
General Studies paper- 1, Women
Source- India Today
The Delhi trial court acquitted a journalist in a criminal defamation case filed by a formal minister. It has extended a legal Shield to women speaking up against sexual harassment
Me too movement is a social movement against sexual abuse towards women where people publish size allocation of sexual crimes
Key points given by the court-
- The court has ruled that the right of reputation cannot be protected at the cost of the right of life and the dignity of women
- The Woman has the right to put her at any platform of her choice and even after decades
- In the Vishaka guidelines in 1997, The apex court address a lacuna in law which offered no legal recourse for women Who was sexually harassed at work
- The court has created a set of guidelines relying on international law principle and practices to address the sexual harassment at the Work
- Before 1997 decade related to sexual harassment was addressed under Indian Penal Code provision section 354
- It was only in 2013 that IPC section 354 amended to include section 354A that criminalises sexual harassment
- India defamation can be both be a civil or a criminal offence
what is defamation
- Section 499 States definition could be through words spoken or intended to be read through sign and also through visible representation, this can either be published or spoken about a person
- section 500 of IPC provides punishment for defamation
The protection of women against Sexual Harassment at workplace Act 2013
- It define sexual harassment at the workplace and create a mechanism for readdressal of complaint
- Every employer is required to constitute an internal complaints committee at each office or branch with 10 or more employees
- The Complaints committee has a power of civil court for gathering evidence
- The Complaints committee are required to provide for conciliation before initiating an enquiry if requested by the complainant non compliance with the provision of the act shall be punishable with the fine
- The state government will notify the district officer in every district who will constitutes local complaints committee
- It would enable women in the organised sector or small establishment to work in an environment free of sexual harassment
- All the organisation have to give training program workshop to the women’s related to sexual harassment to avoid these situation
- Employers must conduct monthly meeting with employees to know their problem
- The government to effectively implement the law related to the harassment
- There is a need to bring empowerment of women through educational programs and training to recognise and realise their basic right
-Khyati Khare
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