15 Mar Forestalling a cyber Pearl Harbour (The Hindu, GS-3, Internal security)
Issue:- Cyber attack on indian firms, indian government, and india’s key infrastructure.
What is cyber attack:
- When computers or its networks are being accessed by the unauthorised persons.
- How
- Through trojan, cyber espionage, malware etc.
- How indian government tries to safeguard indian infra
- Information technology act-2000
- Government agencies
- National critical infrastructure information protection centre.
- National information centre
- Recent development
- Cyber vertical in both defence as well as in foreign ministry.
- Government agencies
- Why indian installments being attacked and Why?
- Security lapses in indian installations.
- Awareness among indian people and even in the lower administration.
- Electronics parts are being imported by China.
- Lack of cyber security personnel.
- Government negligence e.g in USA 10 Bn $ are being allocated for cyber security in the COVID relief package.
- What about the world
- Recent attack on ukraine power grid should be a wakeup call for india
- Attack on Iran’s nuclear establishment (STUXNET attack)
- Many covet files in the USA are being compromised.
ShadowPad is depicted as a “back-door ‘Trojan’ malware which creates a secret path from a targeted system to a command and control server to extract information”. |
[download id=”44255″]
Plutus IAS Current Affair Team Member
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