Freedom pineapple

Freedom pineapple

GS PAPER 2 ,,Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings 

SOURCE- India Today


Recently the ties between China and Taiwan squabbled over an unusual subject i.e pineapples.

 what is Taiwan’s Pineapple challenge

  • In March 2021 China headband the import of pineapple from Taiwan and agent there was a risk of harmful creature that could threaten its own agriculture
  •  Angry Taiwan has refuted China’s claims of pest being found in imported pineapples
  •  the call was seconded by the de facto embassies of the US and Canada in Taiwan
  •  Those professing their love for pineapple from the island using the hashtag #pineapple solidarity
  • The campaign also received an enthusiastic response on social media in several other countries including UK, US and India
  • Argued that 99.9 7%  of pineapple batches imported by China from the island of inception


Larger dispute between Taiwan and China

  • Under it’s one China policy meeting considered Taiwan province of China even though Taiwan is Democratic self ruled country
  •  China repeatedly insist that Taiwan should be called Chinese Taipei and efforts to prevent International recognition of Taiwan as a country
  • Beijing has asserted sovereignty over Taiwan and has consistently tried to quash attempts signifying Independence

-Khyati Khare

Download Current Affairs of 26th March 2021

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