Homemaker’s labor entitled to pay as a part of social engineering

Homemaker’s labor entitled to pay as a part of social engineering

Homemaker’s labor entitled to pay as a part of social engineering – Today Current Affairs

Social engineering is a concept introduced by Roscoe Pound, formulated on the idea that rules and regulations should be made to shape society and regulate people’s behavior. It is an attempt to control human conduct through the help of law, one such effort from time to time is being initiated by all international and national organizations with respect to women and work. Women’s role is always a matter of debate in the family and workplace in contemporary society. 

Despite the achievement of modern education women are still facing lot of discrimination at workplace, one such example disparity of payment, multiple reports suggest that equal pay for same work or having  higher position in almost every industries  is  a journey for many women which full of obstacles. Equal pay for equal work is just a dormant right given to women, it stimulates good feeling factors to so-called leaders and social engineers who raise flag for women empowerment. Gender pay gaps represent one of today’s greatest social injustices and it is being covered by portraying image of women as if they are less ambitious or work only for buying their cosmetics, however, those females who contributes more than male at workplace seen as courageous or superwoman as a matter of fact they are simply discharging their duties with efficiency, unfortunately but will not achieve same pay as their male counterparts. Recent research has shown that although women now enter professional schools in numbers nearly equal to men, they are still substantially less likely to reach the highest position of their professions. In a societies where women has to go  through multiple discrimination in such society if we hear that homemakers must get pay for their domestic work may be seen as another pointless argument raise by cateogorised  radical feminist. Today Current Affairs

Most women lacked significant education—and women with little education were mostly engaged as piece workers in factories or as domestic workers, jobs that were dirty and often unsafe. Educated women were scarce. Further, due to patriarchal cultural beliefs , availability of limited choice of market jobs makes it difficult for women to do work particularly after marriage and children. In the name of godly representation of women as mothers make it more ethically  difficult for women to work with children. But what is the definition of work and who is entitled for pay? The philosophical basis  for the right to pay is  that if something arises as a product of an individual’s labor,  that individual is entitled to the benefit and use of such a product because its existence was the result of that individual’s labor. It derives from the concept of being . It doesn’t matter if these are services or not, the product of the housewife’s work takes care of the children and takes care of all the domestic affairs. Housewives are good for society because they not only support their families, but also have  time to help  others  through volunteering and caring for their children after school.

Today Current Affairs

Dependence is one of the most important factors in suppressing women’s rights, especially in developing countries. Women often stay home because of violence, lack of opportunity, or social stigma in favor of her husband. Her housewife pays herself if she doesn’t get her salary, especially if she has a child to take care of. Economic empowerment gives more freedom to women in countries where women are confined to their homes. By making women an economic agent, women will be able to engage in diverse social structures, have a stake  in the center of their economic power, and maintain their status. This is the most powerful tool we can offer to women in most countries around the world. 

Also, for elevating women roles housewives must get paid as it would put greater emphasis and importance on the role of the women that tend to this job. It would add prestige to the inferior and neglected position of women in the household by make them economically empowered, consequently, it inculcates new dimensions to the societal views of homemakers by valuing their significant contributions to the household and society in both tangible and intangible ways that consequently would help males to be raised with accurate values and thought process and world can become better place to live dominated by peace as women comprises all the capabilities to rule both domestic as well as macro world affairs such as politics. The Hindu Analysis

Thus, by paying the labor force to homemakers, we provide women around the world with one of the most powerful forms of social and political empowerment.


In this article we mention all information about Homemaker’s labor entitled to pay as a part of social engineering  Today Current Affairs.

plutus ias daily current affairs 30 April 2022 Hindi

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