Refocused vaccination campaigns are possible (The Hindu, GS-2, Governance)

Refocused vaccination campaigns are possible (The Hindu, GS-2, Governance)

Context:- There are many issues regarding the vaccination programme. Here the government couldn’t prioritise the vaccination programme.

What are the issues in vaccination:-

  • Less production, More demand.
  • transition from a lack of vaccine supply to one of greater availability.
  • prioritise people like the two octogenarians in Mumbai
  • Local governments and municipalities should also prioritise vaccines for the historically marginalised

Examples of state run vaccination programme, chhattisgarh:

  • The plan prioritised ration card holders specifically because they are poor and marginalised
  • They also often lack access to mobile phones and the Internet,
  • we have to make prioritisation of the marginalised when vaccine supply is limited 
  • According to WHO prioritising sociodemographic groups at significantly higher risk of severe disease or death should be the way forward.
  • remove barriers to vaccination to minimise preventable disease and deaths.

Case of india;-

  • India is depended and will continues to depend on the AstraZeneca vaccine, Why?
    • it was stable in a refrigerator for longer periods than mRNA vaccines
  • Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) and Auxiliary Nurse­Midwives (ANMs) have vast experience and expertise with campaign­ style must be exploited.
  • Urban slums and neighbourhoods have poor access to and low levels of trust in the health­care system
  • local governments are considering providing vaccines to older adults at door to door.
  • We have to ensure that those who work for daily wages are able to get the vaccine 
    • vaccine distribution should be prioritised to districts of permanent domicile.
  • Local planning will need to go hand­in­hand with a refocus on equity and justice.
  • vaccines would be procured + equitably distributed to countries based on need through the COVAX facility which is an international alliance to fight COVID-19

Supply Chain Gap:

    • A Huge gap to vaccinate all its adult population.
    • In India about 13% of its population has received a single jab and about 2% fully vaccinated and out of this most of are health professionals.
    • Many countries have already vaccinated more than half their adult population for example Bhutan if single dose is been taken into account.
  • Unequal Procurement Process:
  • Digital Divide among rural and urban, among rich and poor, among middle class and lower class etc.


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