Switzerland’s policy of neutrality

Switzerland’s policy of neutrality

General Studies paper- 2, Diplomacy

Source- India Today


  Recently Switzerland  Ambassador Said that its traditional foreign policy of neutrality has become attractive again because of the changing political reality in the world

 Key points

  •   Policy of neutrality is a foreign policy position where an State is  intent to remain neutral in future wars
  • A permanently neutral power is a Sovereign state which is bound by international treaty or by its own declaration to be neutral towards the belligerents of all future wars
  •  An example of permanently neutral power is Switzerland other being Ireland Austria etc
  •  The concept of neutrality in war  is narrowly defined  and puts specific constraints on the the Neutral party in  return for the internationally recognised right to remain neutral
  •  International Day of neutrality is a United Nations recognised Day held on  12th of December each year to raise public awareness of the value of  neutrality  in International relations.
  •  National policies of neutrality are remained at promoting the use of Preventive diplomacy which is a core function of the United Nations

Evolution of Swiss neutrality-

  •  Switzerland is renowned for its neutrality but they should not be confused with pacifism
  • The country maintains an army  including  obligatory conscription for  men and did so throughout both world war
  •  The last time Switzerland fought a military battle it was 500 years ago against the French
  • In 1920 the newly formed League of Nations officially recognized Swiss neutrality and established its headquarters in Geneva 

Significance for India

  •  India’s policy of non alignment and Switzerland’s traditional policy of neutrality have led to  close understanding between the two countries
  •  In 1948 the Treaty of friendship was concluded between both the countries
  •  Both believe in the spirit of democracy and pluralism
  •   It identifies the right of independent judgement, the struggle against imperialism and neo-colonialism and the use of moderation in relation with all big powers.

Download current affairs 02.03.2021

-Khyati Khare

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